The State of Illinois is one of many places where you will do some serious time for molesting a child, but only if the kid is a stranger to you. Let’s say that the kid you ‘mezzle’ is your son or daughter; in that case you could be sent home from jail with only a small fine. The penalty is reduced from a Classs ‘B’ felony all the way down to a Class ‘E’ felony, which is just about equal to a misdemeanor.
Now there is no doubt that from an emotional standpoint, the crime is way more heinous when it is committed by a family member because that is the person the victim is closest to and trusts the most; the victim is often dependent upon him or her for survival and protection. Alas, state law does not follow our emotional logic. The state law was enacted with an eye on preventing the prosecution of inter-familial relations, or what most of us would regard as ‘kissing cousins’.
Several months ago, the staff here at the website devised a way to keep our favorite rhythm and blues performer out of handcuffs and in the studio, so that he might be free to finish crafting the complete saga of his ‘Trapped in the Closet’ masterpiece. All SYLVESTER has to do is adopt and then he goes from being a rapist to, say, an incest provider (we’re not exactly sure what the term is but it sounds official).
Anyhoo. Incest is way cooler than rape.