What’s Love got to do with it?


The numbers from 2003 indicate that Black females are still the top demographic at risk for contracting HIV. Between OPRAH WINFREY and the New York Times you have two very powerful media outlets that blame this surge on married Black men living double lives as homosexuals. It has gotten to the point that secondary and even tertiary media machines are singing this song as well.

What really keeps confusing me are the numbers that seem to show Black women contracting the disease at a markedly greater rate than Black men. Whatever the causes, these two groups should be closer to each other in terms of percent rate.

Unless… the same 100 Black guys are all sleeping with the same 10,000 Black women. There’s no other explanation I can think of to resolve the numbers gap. This also upsets me because that means these dudes are averaging like one hundred broads per person. NO WONDER I CAN’T GET A GIRLFRIEND! SHE IS IN LOVE WITH A GAY DUDE!

The numbers game aside, we as a global community are in our third decade of this epidemic with nary a cure in sight. The powers that be have always found ways to stigmatize this disease from associating the spread of it with a homosexual lifestyle, to now associating the spread of it with the popular culture mainstream belief that Black women are all bootie shakers and Black men are all rapacious, oversexed savages. The administration thinks that by placing the blame for the spread of HIV on Blacks it can remove the funding towards the research and an eventual cure.

It’s just another reason of many for us to get out and vote this November.

Since OPRAH says that Black women are making us Black men turn gay I may need to try out some of that ‘other white meat’. Where the hell is Sarah Jessica Parker at?!?

2 Responses to “What’s Love got to do with it?”

  1. 911 says:

    The porn pics start…this is fcuking great {pun} its like a history lesson…

  2. Dimenticavo in conclusione. Marina non ti perdere in certe cavolate. Ma contribuisci a fare politica nel nostro partito.

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