war machine

I have been going batshit hitting up all the Wal-Marts for their exclusive Marvel Legends Ultimate War Machine action figure hoping that the War machine character would play a significant role in the next Iron Man movie.

By the looks of this trailer it is about to go d-d-d-d-d-down.

I’m running around Atlanta this week with my Sony dSLR cam hoping I can catch some great shots with one of the action figures posed up in front of some of the ‘A’s most iconic architecture and landmarks. I feel like these shots will go towards another Ghostface fanboy video.

Think something like this. But better.

25 Responses to “OMG!”

  1. Tony Grands says:


    For all the bullshitery involved, Iron Man was the best Marvel live action to me. It’s going to take a lot to make IM2 better, but I guess outing Terrence Howard was a start. He should only play gay pimp sidekicks, word to Cutty.

  2. Tony Grands says:

    ^^*5 ‘net points to whoever can identify that reference, aside from DP*

  3. khal says:

    dead presidents.

  4. Ambush says:

    Fzzuck Cutty. Word to that pool stick thrashing he took.

  5. 6 100 says:

    I think “Metal Lungies” would be a better fit based on the song title alone.

    But Black Jesus is hardbody[||], even w/the sample from the “CornBread” movie

  6. 6 100 says:

    I elect Djimon Honsou as Black Panther

    Lets get it done before he gets too old

  7. Amadeo says:

    Cheadle is a better actor anyway.

  8. Van Sertima says:

    Cheadle is one of the goat actors so that’s an improvement on IM1.

    One thing; James Rupert Rhodes always had a beard or at least a goatee.

    I guess they’re going for the modern military look.

    Djimon Honsou may already be too old. But Iman Bowie needs to play Storm.

    BTW Shades of Memnon is another movie that needs to get done.

    Terrence Howard was Cowboy in Dead Presidents. Cutty was his boss, Clifton Powell (aka Pinky)?

  9. 6 100 says:

    “I guess they’re going for the modern military look.”

    Remember in “I Am Legend” where Will Smith had a beard in his Army Dress uniform? As an ex-military dude, that was really odd. But they cleared it up by making a piece of 2-3 line dialogue between 2 soldiers as Will passed by.

    But I dont think Cheadle can grow a really good Rhodie beard.

  10. 6 100 says:

    Shades of Memnon? I dont know if that’ll ever take off. Good story, but. . . it wont be seen as “relatable.”

    But maybe Spike could have his 1st historic epic.

  11. Van Sertima says:

    Don grew some facial hair for Traitor. [ll]

    Memnon would make a great movie. I don’t think Spike could do it justice.

    Maybe Ang Lee w/ Tim Yip (AD) or Bill Duke w/ Yip.

  12. getthesenets says:

    How do some of y’all REAL comic book heads feel about pop culture catching up to stuff you’ve been following for decades?

    I used to get laughed at for following comic books in junior high and high school……………literally laughed at.

    I feel strange that everybody is an x man film fan now..or iron man or whatever marvel comic that gets done into a good film.

    while we’re at it…I feel the same way about adult flicks too…
    now everybody has hard drives full of pron….it’s “cool” now…

    I almost feel like I should move on and find other interests/hobbies now that every tom dick and harpo is saying it’s okay now….

    I’m not a sneaker head but I’ve heard true sneaker heads….who used to hop on the PATH……..and mad trains to find hole in the wall sneaker spots….echo the same sentiment…….


    When we had these comic book head arguments back in the day….
    Michael Ironside was always THE dude that we felt should have played Wolverine….

  13. the_dallas says:

    Speaking of Ironside, Total Recall was on the other night and I watched that shit agai nfor the fifty eleventh time.

    I think Hugh Jackman was a perfect cast for Wolverine but the movie lacked the complexity and especially the darkness of the character’s pre-established origin.

    I love that new fans come to comics thru movies. The Punisher has been remade almost half a dozen times. I’d be willing for that same treatment of Wolverine until they get it right. I need to see a berserker rage like when dude merc’ked a fleet of guards from the Hellfire Club.

  14. Tony Grands says:

    My thing with the popularity of the comics, because yeah, niggas made fun of me collecting comics in high school while they were collecting vaginas & mononucleosis, is that I have kids old enough to appreciate when I break out the collection after watching a flick. I’ve even broken down a couple times & opened the hermetically sealed joints so my boy could read what these fandangled movie studios are trying to accomplish. Makes me feel like I was there for the original shit, while the kids, unfortunately, are subjected to watered down, 2 hour renditions of stories that used to take months to tell. They’ll never know the feeling of running to the comic books store/7-11 magazine rack to get the next issues of whatever.

    Thanks to comic books, my son knows what an onomatopoeia is. Spell check, please.

  15. the_dallas says:

    Your spelling is good playboy

  16. getthesenets says:

    co sign both of the last 2 comments


    ironside was that dude……he played the anti-hero in the original v series too……….in fact…his tension with “gooder” was textbook logan…..

    and no shit…comic books, especially thor..helped expand my vocabulary…

    charles xavier, victor von doom used words that i had to look up follow the story…

    my entire collection was dismantled over the years because i was fool enough to let people borrow shit…..

  17. Tony Grands says:

    Cheadle’s paltry stubble>>>Howard’s omnipresent douche nozzle lip caterpillar.

  18. getthesenets says:

    terrence howard is gone?


    never did see the first iron man flick….

    read that ghost had a cameo….which i thought was a great look………………..

  19. getthesenets says:

    jamie foxx sonned t.h.
    said he has the same lines in each film….

    what’s up with you, iron mane?

  20. getthesenets says:

    Van Sert. is on point

    Iman was the only person who could/should have EVER played Storm

    we did these lists during every summer/church bus ride to occupy the time

    the films took a long time to get made but some of the choices we made as kids were just picture perfect

    Yul Brynner WAS Charles X…..but the guy who did it was perfectly cast… trek guy…

    Ivan Drago—–was Collossus

    Keanu Reeves was peter parker

    the mother from Family Matters was Sue Richards.

    Avery Hooks aka “a man called hawk” was Black Panther

    James Earl Jones(voice) was Galactus…..and the Beyonder…

    Lee Haney was LUKE CAGE….

  21. Tony Grands says:

    getthesenets Says:December 28th, 2009 at 6:24 pm

    jamie foxx sonned t.h. said he has the same lines in each film….

    what’s up with you, iron mane?

    ^^Roffle Mayo! Poor dude has the same disease that Sam “MuthaFuckin!” Jackson has.


    LMAO @ Lee Haney

  22. quimby says:

    IMAX status!

  23. getthesenets says:


    meant to say the mom from FAMILY ties as sue richards
    and dallas…did you say 5011 times? be easy..the slang and accent will sneak up on you…

    my cousin went down there as a teen…came back 2 summers later sounding like Foghorn Leghorn from the cartoons…

  24. BIGNAT says:


  25. Tony Grands says:

    @ getthese

    My wife & son & I spent 2 weeks in Lewzanna about a 2 months ago (we’re from L.A.), man my son sounding like he forgot the letter ‘R’ existed, replaced that shit with an ‘uh’. It’s something about the gravitational pull in the south. Or the water.

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