Road Trip Rap…

Roc Marciano’s ‘Reloaded’ is the kind of rap music you would listen to if you were making an overnight run from Harlem to Richmond. This CD is chock full of the interstate highway hustler’s after-hours anthems.

Roc Marci’s production is once again spartan yet sample driven. Roc wants you to her the engine purr, and by engine I mean his lyricism and flow. I’d like to see Rap Genius transcribe this man’s jams. Ha.

Get a feel for the music with this clip and copp the new Roc Marciano album. That move right there may not make you a rap genius, but at least you won’t be one of these rap dummies.

ROC MARCIANO: QUADRAPORTS from dallas penn on Vimeo.

2 Responses to “Road Trip Rap…”

  1. bananaclipse says:

    took me a while to stop hitting the snooze button on the kid. but since i listened im all in.

  2. Tone Riggz says:

    Seeing Roc at the CMJ show got me amped for this album…Going to try to cop the CD tomorrow…

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