POLITRICKS 2008: Real Talk > Straight Talk…

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I really think I’m going to have to vote for JOHN McCAIN.

Even though his weed carriers a/k/a campaign hype machine calls itself the ‘Straight Talk Express’ (touché to them if JOHN EDWARDS gets the V.P. nod again). I can’t fault them for not using the term ‘Real Talk’. How current can we expect the vernacular to be of a 100 year old man? Still and all, McCAIN has some positives working in his favor…

  • He calls his wife a cunt
  • I really love that word and whichever candidate uses it publicly has my vote.

  • JOHN McCAIN is old school
  • JOHN McCAIN is really, really, really old.

  • JOHN McCAIN has love for them hos
  • Er, lobbyists.

  • The Straight Talk Express has a jig behind the wheel and sits on dubs
  • Peep game…

    7 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Real Talk > Straight Talk…”

    1. FaTBoY says:

      Yeah, he also voted against making Martin Luther King’s birthday a holiday.

      That there is enough for me not to vote for that redneck. Old redneck.

    2. nerditry says:

      Old dude has more dirt on him than the recently deceased. Here’s to hoping that part of the Clinton playbook doesn’t escape BarryO.

    3. co-sing nerditry. It would be good if Obama picks a VP with good “attack dog” skills, since Obama doesn’t enjoy/isn’t natural at bashing his opponents.

      Jim Webb could prolly do that. Ironically so could HillaRove, but HillaRove is a bad pick for other reasons.

    4. JK says:

      I hope the “Straight Talk Express” has a conversation with a wall at a really high speed.

    5. P-Matik says:

      I hope Jim Webb gets the Sec of State or Defense position. He’s a real dude with real talk. As soon as he got elected he sonned Dubya to his grill.

    6. Get.Ugly says:

      Tall Tee for ’08 “vote for that pnig….pnig”

    7. Dj RaYz says:

      Tall Tee for President!!

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