Better Than Teh Peanut Butter And Jelly…


Raekwon and Ghostface will forever be the greatest rap duo of all time. Better than Meth and Red, better than OutKast, better than a motherfucking peanut butter and jelly sandwich on Home Pride whole wheat bread.

They are that good.





12 Responses to “Better Than Teh Peanut Butter And Jelly…”

  1. smear says:

    Truest shit you ever wrote

  2. Dart_Adams says:

    It always killed me that the R.A.G.U. (Raekwon and Ghostface United) and the Ctayons (Ghostface, Raekwon, Cappadonna & Lord Superb) LP’s were both never finished. Hey Dallas, you should make a a mix CD full of Raekwon and Ghostface joints and call it “Iron Chef” or some shit.

    Now that’s an idea.


  3. great minds think alike

    i think i need to do a r.a.g.u. post to keep the synergy going

  4. Simba says:

    I appreciate GFK and Rae as much as the next man but they not touching ‘Kast duo status

  5. the_dallas says:

    I don’t think you appreciate Rae and Starks enuff Simba. ‘Kast ain’t even better than Red + Meth. Real talk.

  6. DirtyJerz says:

    Outkast aint on that Kunta Fly level, B….now 3000 on the dolo? FIRESTARTERS!
    Same with Wu, mosta them cats spit fiya darts..but on the dolo, not many can touch them cats!

  7. Children of Sanchez says:

    hah is that the hulk-proof Ironman suit?

  8. Ghost r and b duets too, for all those who missed it….caught it from this is hiphop..Ghost said he wanna do a whole album like this…..funny shit…..I was waiting on Swift and Cangeable from him and Doom, but Doom was telling me that shit was a long process…….I know he was going hard with it for a sec, then just stopped talking about it….I know he was competing tho’ with all the joints Ghost was sending back, but right now that project is in the matrix.

  9. the_dallas says:

    good look’n brooklyn

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