
Respecting the genius of the man JOHN COLTRANE all day today. Cleaning my apartment and thinking about what the future holds for the kid that refuses to grow old.

‘Naima’ is a tribute to his wife. He loved and appreciated the woman who saw him through the demons of drug addiction, alcoholism and depression. She understood his mission was that he was a messenger from the one who has no name and many names. The lifebringer to the universe. Dig COLTRANE and respect his grind.


5 Responses to “JOHN COLTRANE – NAIMA”

  1. DP: it’s so funny you posted this drop today. i rode home from work last night with this song on repeat. one of my favorites…

  2. Kiana says:

    Naima is such a beautiful name, it even sounds strong. It takes a heck of a person to stand by someone through addiction and mental dis-ease. My moms did for 24 years w/ my pops till she nearly lost her own sanity. I’ve always been in awe of that kind of commitment.

    It’s good to have you back btw!

  3. Ernie P. says:

    Negro, do a book. Please do a book, fool you better do a book…… a ufkcing book son..sir please do a book.
    For a limited time only…I’ll contribute photos for (dare I say it/) free……………….MF better do a book……..unless you want a serious knuckle knukka sandwich fool.
    On the really real, you need to do a book. I’ll walk you thru the hassles and the BS. Peace, Ernie

  4. zak says:

    Comments disabled on your new post? …which is possibly one of the best things I’ve ever read on this blog?

    You keep on keeping it for REALLY real DP. Love you man. Don’t leave me out here in the internets wilderness alone.

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