
Watching this clip is like seeing a reel of a vintage negro league game featuring WILLIE MAYS and HENRY AARON. The two masters put it down this evening.

Put it in the atmosphere if you got some. My boy hooked me up with a few bottles of that “Epiphany” a/k/a the piffy piff so I am about to turn out the lights on this side.

See ya’ when I see ya’.


  1. 40 says:

    I love it. ‘Trane is the man along with Miles and the other greats of this era and music. Truly our Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, etc…

    My fave Coltrane joint ironically is “My Favorite Things”

  2. mercilesz says:

    Can anyone on earth believe Obamas words in the UN today? This Dude aint even African American(NO HE DOES NOT COME FROM SLAVERY LIKE MY FAMILY)…what a weak chump. Gaddafi is right and so is dude from Iran. He wants to get white American money so he does what the corporations want him to do….I wish I could could even call him a sucka nigga but thats too respectful to give him the title nigger. He wants to adopt the Black struggle around the world to appear righteous when he just works for the rich. This dude Obama just tried to reinstate the patriot act…thank god the white majority of the democrats/plebians shut this faggot down. Not faggot as gay….faggot as Obamaish. Meaning FAKE Meaning CONCEDER. He doesnt care about you America…He’s in government for his self/family….to get guap. I said this would happen and now u see it in ur face. ENJOY.

  3. Sordid Puppy says:

    god damn, dallas — listening to coltrane all day on columbia u radio almost made me forget that i am jobless and having such a hard time finding work. what’s really good in the city this weekend? bless us with some info.

  4. DEMO says:

    Peace Dallas.

    I purchased the Internets Celebrities after all of this time stalling and shit blaming it on lack of funds what have you. I will not open it, and am keeping it minty fresh in the wrapping because of my collection addiction but this is an aside to the point of this comment which in response to the ‘Do not pass go post’.

    Times are indeed strange for us middle aged Hip Hop fans, how is it possible to balance the line of Hip-Hop and mortgages, Where’s the emcees spitting hot lines about equity? Not some holly-world Jay Z (no shots) equity but everyman, blue collar end of the day feet up shit.

    Knowing it is hard to look accountability and fault in the eye when it comes is a bane for all of us brother, and ten times more compelling when it is as trivial as effing parking fees/suspended license/bureaucracy and the outcome is a night in central booking. Shit sucks.

    But know this, you, my good sir are a fucking INTERNETS CELEBRITY.

    Hard times do not last forever, introspection leads to greatness as noted in these Saint John Coltrane posts.

    Guidance and Protection

  5. Kiana says:

    Gosh darnit DP! I’ve been marinating on the Dont. pass. Go. post all day and when I get ready to say something I notice the comments are closed. The only thing important I have to say is that I love you brother and I agree with what DEMO said above: “Hard times do not last forever, introspection leads to greatness…” when you come out of this, and YOU WILL COME OUT OF THIS (I’m pulling for you!!!!!), I know to expect great things, as usual.

  6. on the road do do just catching this- spun some “Africa brass” yesterday in your honor, praise be beautiful Eric Dolphy too. More when I’m at a regular computer again.

  7. $ykotic/Don McCaine says:

    My dad would love this drop. This is that all day Sunday, then watch Nova throwback.

    You know my sentiments brougham.


  8. Blue says:

    I FUX wit DALLAS PENN. I wanted to say that the newest post was lots to think about. I know that I think u have a good voice, continue to use it.

  9. Angela says:

    DP, just wanted to say that I appreciate what you do here. It’s not for nothing. There’s a lot of recycling and rehashing of ideas and content that goes on on these here internets, but you’re always original, and that’s why I’m lowkey addicted (I can admit it, lol) to this blog. Like Keeks I’m pulling for you, and praying for you too.

    DP FTW!!!

  10. Ernie says:

    Negro, do a book. Please do a book, fool you better do a book…… a ufkcing book son..sir please do a book.
    For a limited time only…I’ll contribute photos for (dare I say it/) free……………….MF better do a book……..unless you want a serious knuckle knukka sandwich fool.
    On the really real, you need to do a book. I’ll walk you thru the hassles and the BS. Peace, Ernie

  11. Tony Grands says:

    Dp, I tried to send you an email, but it came back undeliverable. I won’t post it here, because it was rather candid, but, dude, I will say that adversity doesn’t last long. Although, it may seem that way. We all get down, & reality bites, but let that not break what God has built.

    People on the nets become semi-famous for doing what everyone does, you didn’t. You have a legitimate voice, skill set & talent that we, your readers/fans/supports recognize.

    Although it may seem that a storm is brewing, if not stirring, I believe that your soul’s equipped with the umbrella needed to see it through. Stay strong, & be careful. Don’t let Lucifer trick you into thinking backwards & forefeiting your future.

    I speak for most of us when I say, if you need to reach out, reach brother. Shit, Just an email away. All the times you made us think or laugh, surely the favor can be returned when needed.

    Stay strong, safe & concentrate on the right things. God bless you homie.

  12. Word to Ernie tho’ I suspect he knows the book racket is very very rarely a way to make money, especially compared to the time put into it– if your book is worth a damn (a whole heap aren’t).

    AMAZING Eric Dolphy with Charles Mingus video–

    40, “My Favorite Things” is still incredible, good thing there are a jillion versions of it live. Here’s one with Eric (on flute rather than alto but what the hell)–

    Note the GREAT Reggie Workman of Philadelphia on bass, before Jimmy Garrison joined the band.

  13. BIGNAT says:

    i came on the site today dp to check if you had any new sneaks for me to waste some cash on. also to ask where was that spot to get 20cent wings on tuesdays and sundays. then i read the post DO. NOT. PASS. GO… and i just didn’t care about that stuff anymore. after reading all of that while listening to all of the music that went along with it. i was just thinking hope you can get over this and it does not spoil your spirit. i know you got to pay the bills but don’t stop working on what you love. also i got to say you bowtie game is on point i don’t rock ties of any kind. anything that you wear that feels tight around the neck is not for me. I don’t know if you still got me email but i still tell people about the guy who hooked me up with something for nothing. just because i asked where you got it from. you hooked me up and i had the cash to pay for it. you insisted that i take it. not many people left like that in the world. keep your head up big homie. if i could do something for ya hit up the email hope i could help ya out.

  14. BIGNAT says:

    also i wanted to add this that i read on a sign a couple weeks ago. TOUGH TIMES DON’T LAST FOREVER BUT TOUGH PEOPLE DO

  15. el capitan says:

    I think it’s selfish from us the Internets to want you to stay around here too and continue this blog… Do what you gotta do… Merci pour ton blog et ta créativité

  16. Providence says:

    Been sneaking around for years man lovin the kicks, the Game Rebellion, the James Brown, the daily grind bullshit and the general brilliance of it all. Realest on the nets? All day. But being real doesn’t translate into money anymore than being a genius or talented does. Boa sorte man and stay tough you got this.

  17. Do what you need to do, to be you…and to stay sane. God bless. One of my favorite parables for times like this courtesy of the Hagakure…and Ghost Dog…

    “There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.”

    stay strong.


    Chauncey DeVega

  18. Solidarious54 says:

    Getting married in a week, I’m looking at red notices in my mailbox. I can understand your need to be on grown man business.

    When we throw the checks in the box, you’ll get a hit off PrAli from me.

    much love. stay strong. the game is meant to be fought.

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