Whitey On The Moon…

pet rock

Gil Scott-Heron – ‘Whitey On The Moon’

I wonder how many other people got gaffled with these pet rocks the US State Dept was handing out?

‘Moon Rock’ in Dutch Museum Is Fake

The National Administration for whatever S and A stand for is talking about shooting missiles at the moon in order to kick up some dust so the rocks can be examined for signs of water and other minerals. You know, the type shit niggas would do if they owned any REAL moon rocks.

The moon walk may be faker than the hair BeYonce wears to the B.E.T. awards but you know what shit was real live and direct? John F. Kennedy getting killed on television. Stop asking questions about the moon if you know what’s good for you. And even if you don’t know what’s good for you button your lip for the rest of your family.

2 Responses to “Whitey On The Moon…”

  1. Phlip says:

    I must be getting old, Gil Scott-Heron was the first thing I thought when I saw this title.

  2. Tony Grands says:

    JFK’s assination remains one of the illest videos ever. A close second was the KTTV coverage of this crazy white, back in like 99-00. He was up on a freeway bridge with a rifle after a cop car chase. Homie got out the car* & laid his head on the mouth of the rifle. The news, being the nosey fux they are, refused to zoom out. Blamo! Did pop himself with cameras close enough to see the blue of his eyes. Body drop, reporters shrieking & his blood slowly ran off the freeway into the emergency lane.

    *Oh yeah, he set his truck on fire with his dog locked in. Random, I know.

    As for the moon walk, man, it’s hard to call that one, professor. Idk, it’s like the theory of evolution, or if Mike Jack really had Vitaligo. Some shit we’ll just never know…

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