Go See The Doctor…


Kool Moe Dee – ‘Go See The Doctor’
via UnKut

You won’t find too many Af-Ams going to the shrink (or a general practicioner for that matter). We’d rather spend our available dollars self-medicating. The problems which arise from the skin we are in can’t be mitigated on a couch or even a comfortable leather chair.

Now don’t get me twisted, I am not morbidly obese because of racism, altho’ if I were motivated enough to push the narrative I’m sure I could find the institution of racism inside of my weight gain. No, I’m fat because I have chosen to be. I have chosen to find emotional comfort in foods that are unhealthy.

So how do I break this chain of self-abuse because the fatter I become the less people want to be around me or afford me the opportunities to move upward in life? Let’s be honest with each other in this forum and admit that Blacks in America (unless they are endowed with supreme athleticism or entertaining ability) are already considered second-class citizens.

Fat Blacks? Well they’re just precious…

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9 Responses to “Go See The Doctor…”

  1. Doctors saved my life & psychiatrists saved my mind. I’m forever in debt to like 3 people who I’ll probably never see again. I think it’s more psychological that “we” don’t seek the help needed to survive. In my situation, I had no alternatives. Except death. & fuck dying.

    When I got out the hospital DP, I gained about 60 pounds in 3 months. Partly because my body had been ravaged & needed replenishing like immediately, but also because I was depressed. Food is the love interest that will never turn it’s back on a nigga. Especially when a “kiss” only costs like 99 cents.

    We’ve become so desensitized to each other & ourselves, it’s like second nature to just ride til the wheels fall off, so to speak.

    We (in the broadest sense of the term) have to take that “fuck dying” attitude. That’s what I use for motivation. Otherwise, hypertension, diabetes, & obesity wins. Fuck dying.

  2. VEe! says:

    F*ck hypertension, diabetes & obesity and being tired.

    Personally I’m not a big fan of modern medicine. I prefer the preventative approach. That sh*t saves you dollars. I think its best to get on some Eat to Live, “Be Healthy sh*t. But yeah, Big Macs are the bomb and I saw the Super Size Me documentary and the DVD extras. Crazy.

    “I think it’s more psychological that “we” don’t seek the help needed to survive.” – Tony Grands. So true, so true.

    In the mean time, I’ll practice my breathing exercises and meditate on patience and self-control.

  3. Lion XL says:

    Me..I haven’t been to a doctor in about 8 years, but I’ll take the youngins in a heartbeat. I just have a problem with doctors and healthcare in general, most of them are scabs, all of them are greedy. Besides I just stop when a doctor wants to grab my sack and ask me to cough. Nahhhh ….

    true story just yesterday my daughter spent $380 for an in grown toenail….for her CAT!!!! what the hell is that about? Shit I gonna help her with rent next week, mark my words.

  4. It’s all business. & the thing I learned about medicine is that westernized medicine (& the practice of healthcare in general) are designed to sedate, alleviate or nullify. There’s no preventative angles to it. With the proper amount of knowledge, necessary nutritional restraint & a little openmindedness (is that a word?) to other cultural methods, a lot can be avoided.

    I’m still getting my prostate check in 6 years, though.

  5. VEe-

    I saw ‘Super Size Me’ when I went to rehab.

    Crazy, right? @ the end of the movie, all I kept thinking was “well, the Filet ‘O’ Fish can’t be that bad…”

  6. Rob says:

    When it comes to diet its all about moderation. If u try to eat “right” most the time u just gonna end up goin on a junk food binge. For real, i tried eating “right” by grubbin grilled chicken and vegetables all the time (even replaced my beloved sugar’d up cereals with cheerios) and after 2 weeks I was like I need some fuckin real food! All that eatin right shit went out the window when i enhaled 2 dbl dbls and some animal style fries followed with a Craig-size bowl of cocoa pebbles. I realize u cant always eat “right” but u cant just bomb on fast food all the time either. Moderation people, moderation.

    Oh, and drinking water in place of not only soda but “fruit” juice and sports drinks really does make u feel better.

  7. the ambassador says:

    haha I had a shirt with that picture of Lucy up there on it. memories.

    eff a doctor, can’t stand em, don’t trust em.

  8. getthesenets says:

    cool moe dee clip

    I went to school out in philly and dudes out there used to rock big kool moe dee like shades out there…

    me being young and brave(stupid)…whenever…WHENEVER I passed a person rocking those joints I used say loudly ”

    and got the nerve to have them star trek shades on/”

    40 can cosign that illedelph used to get down like that…

    NOI, hippies, “tree huggers”, and alternative health people were ahead of the curve when it comes to eating.

    the typical american diet almost guarantees health issues past a certain age…

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