Rest In Piece: DONDI…


Graffiti moved from simply ‘getting up’ into a legitimate form of artistic expression thanks to people like DONALD WHITE pka DONDI.

His top to bottom burners were all-city subway canvasses I used to watch at Chambers Street on the J/M/Z platforms.

WHITE was more than just all-city. He took graff all over the globe. Piece to the colorful universe he created.

Dondi White bio


10 Responses to “Rest In Piece: DONDI…”

  1. Krashone says:

    C.I.A- top crew get busy!!!!

  2. Guttahiphop says:

    Hey, Nice website. Would you like to affiliate? If so add me as “New Hip Hop Daily” and let me know so I can add you back.

  3. gstatty says:

    rest in power dondi, graffiti needs to be everywhere

  4. Theotis Jones says:

    Respect due to the Stylemaster General… that must’ve been incredible to see his work in real life.


  5. khal says:

    we had a pretty dope Graffiti Jam in Trenton a few months back – the same day as the 2dope BBQ, actually. lot of love out there.

  6. Loprime39 says:

    Lets not forgoet those Bus129 joints either. Dondi had madd names.

  7. the_dallas says:

    There used to be this group that gathered in a building off Fulton/Nassau called icrY – Inner City Roundtable of Youth. Some oldhead writers (I was 13 at the time) established a non-profit and had office space in the building.

    My mind was blown [ll] going to those meetings. Let me tell you a little story…

  8. Lion XL says:

    Dondi lived exactly(maybe not exactly but real close!) 4 houses down from where I grew up in East NY, but I was never allowed to go down to that end of the street cuz thats where the ‘ghetto kids’ hung out. I never listened though, and one summer I guess they were getting ready to hit the layup ( i had no clue back then!) and me and my friends were playin stick ball, when I kicked this box and a couple cans of spray paint fell out, I grabbed one figurin I could go paint my bike. All of a sudden some short dude ( I was about 10-12 and dude was shorter than me, never learned who he was..) jumped outa god knows where and wants to go upside my head for touchin his stash. Dondi comes out, puts the stall on dude and explains to him I meant no harm and a possible ass whippin (his!) is avoided.

    and that was my only real contact with the Graff god, that and his mom knew my mom.

  9. Loprime39 says:


    Do tell brother…

    You know Dondi got busy in Corona too right? Fuzz 1 used to bring Dondi to the hood on the chill tip. Don’t recall the exact year, but they did burners on the handball courts @ PS19…

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