How Do You Spell Dog? M.V.P.


Michael Vick pwned the Redskins lastnite on the NFL’s biggest in-season stage. Monday Night Football is the television primetime showcase for teams around the league. Brett Favre has used MNF to become legendary. Michael Vick is now doing the same thing.

In the first half alone Vick had thrown for three touchdowns and ran for another score. That is some QB’s best game ever, and he still had another half of football to play. The final score of 59-21 doesn’t even describe how much of a blowout this game was.

The Redskins just earlier that day had granted Donovan McNabb a contract extension of $78 million dollars. What do you think Vick is going to be going for at the end of the season when he becomes a free agent? Trust me, it will be more than $78 million dollars.

6 Responses to “How Do You Spell Dog? M.V.P.”

  1. Skins got “skinnnned”.

  2. 40 says:

    McNabb’s contract is all numbers and more a PR move. Of that $78M only $10M is guaranteed, and the Skins could cut McNabb and only be on the hook for $3.85M. NFL Contract numbers are all sizzle, very little steak when they’re announced. With that said, Vick is probably one of the greatest American comeback stories in the last few years, especially in sports. People need to get off his 4-9-3-11 over his case, if America is going to lock up more people per capita, then America needs to start leading the world in second chances, or realize half the dumb shit we incarcerate people for.

  3. BIGNAT says:

    vick set monday night football records. he set a new qb record. 20/28 passing for 333 yards and 4 throwing td’s. 80 yards rushing and 2 rushing td’s. no interceptions. the commentators calling the game said is vick that good or are the redskins that bad. they said no vick is that good they couldn’t do nothing with him. he was balling out of control.

  4. BIGNAT says:

    mcnabb would have had a good game as well. if it wasn’t for the two interceptions ran back for td’s. mcnabb been in the game to long to stare down where he going throw the ball at. that is a rookie mistake and if vick continues to do well i don’t see him going anywhere.

  5. I respectfully cede football to ya’ll who know better (I quit the Jets a few years after I finally quit the fucking Knicks) but co-sign 40 on the Michael Vick comeback– I’ve spent time enough in GA to know how big he was there and to hear of him doing so well after the media lynching he suffered is encouraging, and testament to a fortitude many wouldn’t credit dude for.

  6. F says:

    Was listening to ESPN radio and I heard the most adequate description of Mr. Mexico…as a ‘Ghost’. The man is unstoppable and his top gear makes defenses look even more stupid than pre-prison. This COULD be due to the Redskins defense–but I doubt it. Too bad every 8 minutes during the game someone brought up dogfighting, I don’t expect the YTS to ever get over that shit, even if he’s putting up 50 in people’s fantasy leagues.

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