What Is It? Mar-Vel…

Marvel Studios set us up with the Thor movie. I’m not mad at them either but I just want to acknowledge that I see what they are up to. In the next few summers Marvel is going to make it impossible for DC Comics to breathe on the silver screen. Even Batman will have a tough way to move to surpass the characters and storylines that Marvel is releasing.

The Marvel Studios takeover started with Iron Man. The glimpses into the Marvel Universe during that movie were too subtle to describe but the true fanboys overstood what was coming down the pike. Captain America and the Avengers were sealed in cement. The Thor movie was simply an Avengers setup. The real Avengers movie starts in July with Captain America.

4 Responses to “What Is It? Mar-Vel…”

  1. Jaislayer says:

    So far Marvel has been on point with their movies. But I’m always hoping they don’t fluck the next one up. I expect greatness from the”Captain America ” & the ” Avengers” flick. But this new Xmen movie..I don’t know about. It looks a little corny from the commercials on during the NBA games

  2. Theotis Jones says:

    Agreed on the X-men movie, slayer.

    Apparently now they are rumoring that Thanos might be in the Avengers movie: http://screenrant.com/avengers-movie-villains-rob-117445/. Fuck, that would be ill.

  3. john says:

    the x-men movie isn’t done by marvel studios. expect it to be corny.

  4. Marvel Fucked up with the Wolverine movie though… that shit needs a do over.

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