Would Someone PLEASE Find This Man A Home?!?

pretty Johnny

Its not just the good people in the Gulf States that are homeless right now, but its also one of our beloved jig entertainers that is in desperate need of shelter.

‘Pretty’ JOHNNY GILL had been staying in EDDIE MURPHY’s pool house for the last several months after being evicted from SUGAR RAY LEONARD’s garage by SUGAR’s wife. JOHNNY’s cozy relationship with EDDIE MURPHY and their long hours spent in MURPHY’s in-house recording studio has been the fuel for speculation that EDDIE MURPHY may be considering making another R&B album.

JOHNNY had been rooming with TEVIN CAMPBELL for a few years until TEVIN fell upon hard times and relocated to the Compton YMCA.

JOHNNY doesn’t need too much space, just a clean room and a closet for his prideful sequin suits and hair care products. The kitchen space won’t be disturbed too much because JOHNNY only eats sausages, pickles and bananas. JOHNNY is also a willing and capable babysitter especially if you have young rambunctuous boys.

Please find it in your heart to take this desperate man into your home.

2 Responses to “Would Someone PLEASE Find This Man A Home?!?”

  1. Johnny , you have a good voice. Get a life and stop camping here and there……….

  2. LolaMae says:

    If he’s been rooming with Tevin Campbell, I hope he didn’t drop the soap!

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