BILLY SUNDAY Reviews ‘Superman Returns’


I guess we all know what the ‘S’ stands for now.

4 Responses to “BILLY SUNDAY Reviews ‘Superman Returns’”

  1. Samwu says:

    hahahahahah.. well.. I actually thought it wasn’t so bad..

  2. We are going to have to fight about this one (no homo.)

    It had flaws but it wasn’t any worse than X3 and it was better than Pirates.

    You weren’t expect Batman Begins were you?

  3. the_dallas says:

    What are we discussing here? In a post 9-11 world the Superman character demands better, smarter writing. I’m not sayin’ that he has to snap necks like Batman does, but the creative people have to manage the anchor of the D.C. Comics franchise better than this. Superman getting Lois Lane pregnant with his alien sperm and then being a deadbeat dad to boot was a travesty.

  4. prynsex says:

    What the hell did he eat. That shit is gross. Did he have one of those beer battered sandmiches. I understand that the movie was shitty, but this takes the cake.

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