Avengers Vs. X-Men…

Let’s get ready to RUMBLLLLLLLLLLLE!

7 Responses to “Avengers Vs. X-Men…”

  1. Mark Dub says:

    Have you checked the new Batman yet w/Greg Capullo drawing it? My earliest rememberance of Capullo was when he started drawing Spawn in the 90s taking over for McFarlane. Now, all these years later, he’s morphed into his own style. It’s pretty dope.

  2. Who wants to see Black Panther and Storm fight?… Hilarious. I need to catch up on my comic shit. Thank goodness for graphic novels.

  3. pmac says:

    thats was some youtube gold you got balls, super nerd just droping names from wayback and you right on with the cornynis i thought you was going racial but you said domestic ha crazy. that new batman detective comics is the best new dc tittle it looks good and reads for the grown i like to see blood in batman. the other bat tittles are weird ,something with the owls its weird.

  4. Amadeo says:

    I’m kinda let down on this joint too. I hadn’t picked up a comic in years (graphic novels excluded) until this came out. I’m not mad about Cyclops…I always thought he was a bitch (probably my Wolverine bias). Namor was the first mutant…but I don’t really feel him running with the X-Men like that. Protip…anytime Magneto thinks someone is going overboard everyone should step in.

  5. forlisteners says:

    Bring Chris Claremont back!

  6. khal says:

    if you fuck with Claremont, you might wanna pick up the 2009 X-Men Forever series. it was dope to pick that up and timewarp back to when I was a shorty, fucking with the mutants.


  7. Fucking Sean price says:


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