I’m With Stupid…

bubba and dubya

This used to be my favorite time of the year when I was a kid because I was going back to school and I would get to see who my new classmates were and if any of them were cool or assbags. There’s a similiar anxiety on Capitol Hill and throughout the Beltway in D.C. as politicians scramble to shore up their platforms prior to the ‘midterm’ elections. These are desperate times in Washington and a lot of the Senatorial flunkies may be collecting unemployment checks while they play golf this winter.

For being a bunch of pussies and letting the Administration walk over them to squash our civil liberties they all should know what its like to be one paycheck from living in a refrigerator box inside a public park.

Looks like politricks makes for strange bedfellows. The Senators were so haughty to harraunge BILL CLINTON for his cigar fellating intern, but no one is man enough to say that we are losing two many of our sons to the desert. None of these fools is brave enough to restore the ethics and integrity that was the lynchpin for working class idealogy. Corporations take their working class jobs everywhere but here. We are even outsourcing the labor for the rebuilding of the Gulf Coast. Not surprisingly though, the reconstruction work is moving as fast as a filibustered bill for healthcare reform. Let’s not even discuss the educational needs that we are facing. Let’s just hope that the worker of tomorrow only need to know how to operate a PlayStation controller.

And with the seams seemingly unraveling before our very eyes there is still only one thing that really matters…

“It’s the economy stupid!”

(click above^ it’s a link)

6 Responses to “I’m With Stupid…”

  1. alex2.0 says:

    i was watching some of the katrina anniversary footage. its been a year and those neighborhoods near the levees look exactly as they did one year ago. a damn shame.

    well, i’m off to go watch my miami dolphins whoop up on the pitiful-burgh steelers. at least thats what i’m hoping they’ll do.

  2. the_dallas says:

    Dolphins instead of the Jaguars, Panthers or (gasp) Falcons?!?

  3. alex2.0 says:

    falcons get no love from me. i’m an eagles fan at heart, but i also cheer my hometown dolphins. and i support all florida nfl & college fball teams. i need to send a personal thank you note to whoever made this year’s schedule. christmas day: EAGLES at cowboys & jets at DOLPHINS. :o)

  4. RD says:

    DP is the truth and I’m the prophet. lol


  5. Vik says:

    rhetoric runs this rap shit.

    until we stop falling for the nonsense, it’ll keep comin

  6. alex2.0 says:

    i’m going to need hot sauce for the crow i’m about to eat. troy “muthaf*ckin” polamalu. i want to hate him. but he’s talented and gorgeous. damn him!

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