its pat

If PAT ROBERTSON had killed everyone that he’d wanted to he would have made our B.M.F.O.A.T. list, but alas, PAT has his minions do his bidding instead of him. Whether it’s endorsing the bombing of abortion clinics or committing hate crimes against homosexuals, lesbians, Muslims, Blacks, Chinese, the disabled and GOD, ROBERTSON does this for JESUS. His conservative Christian coalition has been at the forefront of some of the biggest ideaological controversies of the last twenty years.

In the early ’90s ROBERTSON decreed that Espicopalians, Methodists and Presbyterians were all anti-Christs. Ha! Jews = good, Presbyterians = not so much. Even before Venezuelan President HUGO CHAVEZ made his remarks at the United Nations, ROBERTSON had called for his assassination. Stating that Venezuela would become a breeding ground for terrorism and communism if CHAVEZ were left alive.

Why is PAT so gottdamned crazy? It could be because he has two girl names. MARION PAT ROBERTSON must have had his azz kicked so much when he was growing up that he thinks that is how you show love. PAT doesn’t want the United States to bomb Iran out of fear of terrorism, he wants us to bomb them out of love for the infant baby JESUS, our one and true savior. Christianity becomes confusing to me sometimes except for when I remember that it’s based on death and crucifying people.



  1. 40 Dawg Drewlander says:

    Professional preachers are the scum of the earth… Whether its Pat Robertson, or these Reverend Ike ninjas that talk about that Jay-Z is a Satanist, or other cats who have $150,000 cars and $2M homes. These people are the true bloodsuckers of the poor.

    This is why every Sunday I’m at the Bedside Baptist Church cozying up to the divine inspiration of Pastor Pillow. – CHUUCH… ZZZZZZZZZ.

  2. ELOHEEM STAR says:

    Pat’s daddy was a BAD MUTHERFUCKA.


  3. Tiffany says:

    Pat is a crazy mofo..I actually look forward to hearing what kinds of silly ish is gonna come out of his mouth each month. Dude’s a gangsta for real.

    I’m with you 40. When they started asking for tax returns at a church here…I decided to start having it in my damn living room, in the afternoon, once I wakeup from the big hangover from the night before……bump that!

  4. Amadeo says:

    The devil is scared of Robertson…too much competition.

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