Spreading Democracy Is Still Cheaper Than Milk…


What is the big fuss everyone is making with the price of oil exceeding $100 a barrel? Do you know how much that same barrel would cost if it were filled with milk? I don’t know either, but it would certainly cost more.

While premium gas is nearing $4 per gallon organic milk has topped that price point. At least a gallon of gas could get me into New Jersey. A gallon of milk will give me enough gas that the people in New Jersey would smell. Come to think of it, I don’t think ESSO or British Petroleum are charging the people enough for gas. If a 20-oz. bottle of Vitamin Water costs $2, think about how much you would spend for a gallon of Vitamin Water? What about a gallon of K-Y jelly? By these comparisons you can see how cheap the gas you buy really is.

Speculators are fearing the worst case scenario in countries that produce petroleum. The unrest in Nigeria as well as the instability of Tehran and Baghdad along with the idea that petroleum is ultimately a finite resource are the reasons for the increase in the cost of crude oil. I say that we should prove the speculators right by taking out our skateboards and using them to commute to and from work. Ixnay that, shit is bricker than a muvv up here in NYC. Niggas is getting in their whips and driving to the corner just to buy a pack of cigarettes from the bodega.

Who am I kidding? We need that motherfucking petrol like a smackhead needs that horse (and a clean syringe). I’m really sorry that a shiiteload of young Americans had to be offed in the acquisition but my life is so much easier that I don’t have to pedalbike or walk to work. The effed up thing about democracy is that you can’t always blame the leaders and managers because they represent only a tiny percentage when compared to the people. It was surely the desire and greed of G DUBBZ that got us all into Iraq, but it is the American peoples greed and desire for an easy life that keeps us IN Iraq.

10 Responses to “Spreading Democracy Is Still Cheaper Than Milk…”

  1. Combat Jack says:

    ^”I’m really sorry that a shiiteload of young Americans had to be offed in the acquisition but my life is so much easier that I don’t have to pedalbike or walk to work.”

    Yeah. That pedalbike shit would not be proper right about now, especially rolling with 4 kids in tow. Most definitely not a good look for the CJ clan.

  2. You know what sucks about milk vs. gas prices?
    The milk prices are dependent on the gas prices, since it takes gas to transport the milk. So when the gas prices go up, the milk prices go up. Damn.

  3. Blackwater says:

    if cars ran on farts I could push the Maybach like a Geo

  4. omegaSB says:

    i hope your gas really doesnt smell worse than Nj…that would be a travesty

  5. The Ambassador said “You know what sucks about milk vs. gas prices?
    The milk prices are dependent on the gas prices, since it takes gas to transport the milk. So when the gas prices go up, the milk prices go up. Damn.”

    I read random articles or hear random comments on for instance how there’s an American mechanic with a HS diploma who is sonning Big Auto’s army of PhD mechanical & electrical engineers, by retrofitting existing cars to go 70+ miles on the $3 equivalent of 1 gallon of petroleum. Another example is the movie “Who Killed the Electric Car”

    It seems like with existing technology, an hybrid or electric car pwns petroleum cars on cost per mile driven.

    What I don’t get it is, if it’s cheaper, why doesn’t electric cars get rolled out quickly in the “free market”. The portion of ReThuglicans who deny global warming exist, still want to save money on transportation, right? It’s not only personal transportation, like Ambassador says product costs are driven higher by transportation costs.

    If Toyota or other existing car companies don’t aggressively pursue this market, why don’t a few random billionaires like Bill Gates/Oprah Winfrey/Warren Buffett or “venture funds” form a company to pursue this market?

    This is an example where I wonder if there is some conspiracy that is preventing a no-brainer product from happening. Word to Panicciolli. Perhaps a few execs from Big Oil, Big Auto, & Big ReThuglicans have made a pact on some golf course to prevent electric cars from hitting the mass market.

  6. the_dallas says:

    ^ And BlackWater USA holds them ddddddddddown.

  7. My car infatuation is about to come out hardcore here.

    In my eyes electric/hybrid cars pose a few problems. One – new concepts in cars can be likened to something like…Windows Vista. Sounds aiight, but it’s still so new a concept that you know theres a lot of kinks to be worked out.

    Second, many mechanics got ASE certified and got their training and shit before hybrid and electric cars existed. So your average mechanic at a gas station may not wanna fuck with repairs for you on an electric car. I’m not sure how much more complicated it is…when I took auto tech they weren’t on the market yet I don’t believe…but I do know that electrical repairs are a bitch. So if the car has more electrical components…more headache to the mechanic, and thus higher cost to the consumer who needs the repairs. (This is my own theory here, I don’t have proof, so somebody feel free to prove me wrong).

    Third, if you have a car fetish like I do…those electric/hybrid shits just don’t cut it. I need a car with oomph. Good pickup, a nice amount of horsepower…I need a forceful car for when I need to drive, well, forcefully. Now I haven’t driven a hybrid/electric but they look wimpy as hell, and either they are or all the people I see driving them are wimpy as hell.

    Here in VA to promote the purchase of the vehicles for a while (I’m not sure how long) they had a policy that people with hybrid cars could use the HOV lanes even if they didn’t meet the HOV requirement. Nice deal but…iunno. I’d love to see stats on how that really worked out.

    And EGC, are you talking about the diesel whips that they convert into biodiesel?

    Not saying the industry isn’t corrupt, because surely the petroleum industry is very much so…but I think from a consumer standpoint going electric/hybrid is still higher on the cost side than the benefit side of the spectrum.

  8. the_dallas says:

    I think both you and EGC are right. It’s also my opinion that electric powered cars can be as fast as… Lightning.

    I used to have a monster radio controlled AFX track set that was built up of several different AFX sets. My house was where all the kids came with their cars to race. I was also the dude that would stick his tongue on the track for kicks. T.C. was the kid that would stick hairpins in the elec outlets.

    My point is that electric powered subway cars move pretty fast and that is alot more weight to generate inertia for than a passenger car. Our infrastructure will require modifications too so I see the electric vehicle movement being the next big public works endeavor possibly lifting us from the next depression.

    The real problem with the conversion to electricity power is how we manage to generate it in the first place. FYI… We don’t have enough water for electricty to become a sustainable resource.

    Nuclear powered personal transporters? Maybe this is the shit that Tehran was developing that has Washington (read: Israel) all pissed off.

    I can’t call else I might spoil it, all I know is that EFF recycling and saving the Earth. Kill the Earth. It will find a way to heal itself. Humans? Not so much.

  9. Wow i was JUST talkin to my brother about this EXACT comparison (gas-Vs-Milk) only thing is i need 1 gallon of milk every 2 weeks… and i need 2 gallons of gas a DAY just to get to work and back… so until i consume 2 gallons of milk a day it really dont add up…

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