POLITRICKS 2008: Negroalculus 101


During the 2004 Presidential election results broadcast CBS commentator BOB SCHIEFFER asked his co-host DAN RATHER what would be the outcome of the “big Black vote”. The election party that I was attending broke out into a raucous caucus at the suggestion of a big Black vote. White worries about the size of the Black penis in every way, even in the voting booth.

The idea of an African American voting bloc is more of a fantasy than a reality in 2008. Forty years ago African Americans retained a dramatic solidarity due to the still open wounds of segregation and the murders of charismatic speakers like JOHN F. KENNEDY, MALCOLM X and MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr. In 2008 we find that African Americans no longer even pretend to share the political values of people who don’t have the same economic footholds. The big Black vote is dead. Just like Hip-Hop.

What misleads the pollsters and pundits to envision a monolithic voting bloc of African Americans is the fact that an overwhelming number of Blacks are registered to the Democratic party. Some good that has done them for the last forty years since MLK was murdered. You can imagine how JESSE JACKSON and AL SHARPTON were able to manipulate the Black participation in politics for so many years but now with the success of BARACK OBAAMA without their support it begs the question of these icons relevance to a Black voting solidarity.

The Brooklyn Book and Video club helped compile some of the following numbers that relate to Black voters and American voters in general. Over one third of the 3,086 people that responded to the survey were African American. 1,046 to be exact. Black voters respond to pollsters because they feel like someone actually cares what they think. Black folks are still dreaming four decades after the death of KING.


Some Blacks are way better off like Soulja Boy, but the rest of the monolith is stuck in neutral.


Black people! You need to change your voter registration cards to Republican. I’m not necessarily advocating that you vote as a Republican, but you definitely need to change your party affiliations.



I’ve always had a problem with the racial construct of Black and white. It’s a lie from the word go since even the darkest skinned African Americans have a mahoghany hue while the lightest of whites looks like a pinkish beige, kind’a like mauve. Colored seems to fit white more appropriately as well since a white can change his skin color after he has been punched(purple), scared(yellow), embarrassed(red), jealous(green) and sad(blue). Talk about a rainbow coalition…


*More Big Black Vote articles…
Twenty Five Ways of Looking at a Black Charlottean

Black Agenda Report

8 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: Negroalculus 101”

  1. websince1982 says:

    wow…. very informative…. definitely a good read





  2. LM says:

    “Colored seems to fit white more appropriately as well since a white can change his skin color after he has been punched(purple), scared(yellow), embarrassed(red), jealous(green) and sad(blue). Talk about a rainbow coalition…”


  3. Amadeo says:

    The one factor that may draw people together, mind you not actually together-peace-in-the-streets and all that, is alot of the subtle bullshit that’s getting thrown Obama’s way. What’s ill is it’s that same shit that happens in boardrooms, offices and professional settings that have black people walking around calling their boss a cracker under their breath.

    People doubted how “black” he was, seems like we’re finding out. The “first black president” (pardon that left a shitty taste in my mouth) is cracking slick more then anyone.

  4. Vee says:

    The Democrats have been largely taking advantage of the African American vote. The vote is usually a given as illustrated by the data provided. In recent years the Republicans, including the Bush Administration have been making far more greater strides to reach out beyond simply showing up at the regional popular church.

    The first two survey questions are vague. That’s probably why they did not receive more feedback.

  5. CeezDiem says:

    They don’t call it Politricks for nothing. What Billary said about Obama/SC might not have been politically correct, but damn if it wasn’t true. End of the day, they’re monsters in the political world. They’re gonna say/do whatever the fuck it takes to get elected. But i don’t believe they’re racists. They’d pull the exact same shit on anybody they were facing off against.

    I wouldnt say Bill was the first black president, but i’d certainly say he was the first down ass pressident. The first one that really knew brokeness growing up. The one that had legitimate honest to god black friends. Kennedy’s the closest i can think of, and i’m sure his rich white ass didnt have homeboys named Jamal or Hector

  6. streets is watchin says:

    Had toni morrison not crafted so much beautifully tragic truth about black people, her bullshit about Bill would be fuggin’ unforgiveable. But she did, so she gets a pass.

  7. dameSTAtus says:

    BS, didn’t even read the post yet (really still reading the ghetto food post above), but I noticed the picture you used is of a Morehouse Graduation, and I can confirm that by the building in the background, which is Graves Hall, my freshman year dorm. Black Civil War soldiers are buried beneath the building, and I believe Howard Thurman and his wife are buried right in front, in a masoleum of sorts. Lastly, I always heard MLK stayed in Graves when he was a freshman.

    Of course, a cautionary NH is required.

  8. emc says:

    Unfortunately, your understanding of the black vote is wrong. If your interested in really learning about black voting trends, I’d suggest you read Michael Dawson’s work “Behind the Mule.” Some of us actually study this for a living. Hopefully reading this work will allow you have a more educated discussion on the topic.

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