My New Favorite Website…

trife life

This shit is like Stuff White People Like for real Black people…

You Know You Dead Azz Wrong

21 Responses to “My New Favorite Website…”

  1. a-one says:

    oh lordy (clicks link)

  2. Soon as I clicked the link I smelled the scent of heavy,greasy porkchops being fried up in the distance…………….No vegetable oil either, straight up lard butta!!!!

  3. Candice says:

    Yes….that website is my friend Mo’s. She KILLZ it with her commentary.

  4. jdotnicholas says:

    Give me my 2 hours back DP. That blog is the ILLEST! @Candice – give her dap for that. That’s What’s Up.

  5. Marvelous Mo says:

    You’re crazy late on that site DP. I love that site.

    @ Candice: that’s your homie? yo she crazy! why do people get mad when they do stupid things and post it on the web? I mean if Youknowyoudeadazzwrong was up 2 years ago, i’d beon that that site because i’m a lush. I’m wiser now, but these baby mamas on that site do the dumbest things.

  6. mashout3 says:

    when i found out bout this site i knew i was gonna have to stay outta the club now. I stay getting too drunk making a fool of myself. I got enoough mfs telling me what i did the night before. I don’t want evidience on the web.

  7. Candice says:

    What kills me? The folks that show their azz (LITERALLY) in the damn club and then want to email Mo later and demand that their pictures be taken down cause they have jobs? WTF? You should have thought of that shyt when you were under the flashing lights….

    Mo is a genius!

  8. Marvelous Mo says:

    @ Candice
    You’re so right. She scoops the pictures from the club from those party websites. all she does is throw them on her blog.

    she’s the the first blog i check when i do my blog rounds lol Mo is def a genius.

  9. the_dallas says:

    I never understand why fools thinks its a race to get up on a website? I started peeping those drops over there last week and I literally spent six hours going thru every single joint on the site.

    I ain’t late, I’m right on time.

  10. rockmanj says:

    Wow, that was nervous!

  11. says:

    There is something particularly Anti Black woman about this site.

    There is something sinister about making fun of working class women
    and how fucked up their tattoos are, how fucked up weaves are, how much a a “hoe” they are in the club.

    No wonder our kids hate themselves. We hate their mommas.

  12. Tiffany says:

    Someone get that baby!


  13. the_dallas says:

    There is something definitely anti-foolio about this website. If you are someone that wears Blackness like an overcoat then I imagine you will be upset at the clowning of “your people”.

    I enjoy this site for the spectacle the same way some folks enjoy a ‘Girls Gone Wild’ video.

  14. says:

    Nah Homie.

    Jezebel. Ho. Sapphire. Trick. Bitches Ain’t Shit but Hoes and Tricks.

    The (white) women in girls gone wild are not called this, we are.

    Blackness as an Overcoat? What? I can take an overcoat
    off, my Blackness will be with me until my last day on this earth.

    So you “enjoy it” for the spectacle. What does
    it mean to obtain joy from observing women with jacked
    tattoos, bad weaves, quasi abandoned babies and bad simulated
    club sex?

    People buy/watch/consume what makes them feel comfortable.
    What about seeing these women makes you feel comfortable?

  15. Marvelous Mo says:

    These chicks have daddy issues. They don’t care, so why should we?

    Why should we be mad @ the site that pokes fun @ this chick’s fur burger?$DSC_0%20(182).JPG

    I know these photogs @ these sites in NYC. They can easily say, “Ma you know what, you’re too drunk to take a picture.” All they do is walk through a crowd in a club with their camera and the girls RUN to them and say “hey can you take my picture?”

    Next thing you know you see this

    If this is such a major issue, talk to the site owner of who take pictures of these tramps. And not for nothing, if you look at some of the image url, it has a myspace address which means these girls kiss girls, like it, and then post it in their myspace. so their friends see how fucked up they are and send it to durtymo.

    and those photogs do their work on urban night. urban night is not mainstream night.
    urban night is kneegrow night. sometimes you see the shottas. sometimes you see the shanequas from the projects that hide razors under their tongue. those are the people promotors advertise their parties to knowing they attract niggas who will spend their rent money to stunt in a club and then get bitches drunk so they can get loose like that.

    So lets say if they are not in a club… they are just out and about…Why should I be mad at the chick who’s fucking in a car with her kid in the back seat?

    or the chicks who cuts the top of their jeans to deliberately bend down and show her ass crack.

    like get real. it’s not like these people were out walking to get a cup of joe and then durty mo took a picture of them and threw it on her site and said “look at this ho yall!” you make yourself look like a clown, you’ll get laughed at.

    i’m trying not to tell you “hoe sit down” but not saying it is harder than i thought.

    My bad DP lol

  16. the_dallas says:

    You see, there but for God’s grace go I. I am Tiger Woods, etc.

    I wasn’t clear in my remark that you wear your Blackness like an overcoat in the summer., like early August times.

    NewsFlash: The chicks on Girlz Gone Wild ARE hos, professionally. Ashley Dupre? That was only a minute ago stay focused.

    This website may end up in having the positive effect on the images it illustrates by causing them to occur less when folks see how they get clowned.

    Do you feel the same way about LOLcatz since they can’t defend how they are presented on the internets?

  17. the_dallas says:

    Damn Mo…

    That was crazy. Why am I not a member of 7Days?

  18. Marvelous Mo says:

    jump on that asapington….
    alltheparties dot com
    thatswhatsup dot net,
    http://www.whatspoppin dot net
    talkofnewyork dot com

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