Pray For Me Internets…


I’m going to meet up with this dude from Craigslist to buy a used Blackberry.

CL people are fucking weirdos to the fullest.

I’ve been trying to get a used Blackberry phone, but I think on Craigslist the word Blackberry is code for full body massage [ll].

I hope this fucker doesn’t try to kill me and then rape my ass.

Whatever happens though I’ll let you know how shit pans out.

BTW: Does anybody have a used Blackberry 8700 cellphone for sale?

11 Responses to “Pray For Me Internets…”

  1. To my peoples in the world may the force be with you

    -Lupe fiasco

    Be safe…

  2. DirtyJerz says:

    Word Is Bawn…I did a craigslist purchase with some Adobe software, and no BS– I met dude, @ the Starbucks @ Target. I had to do it like that, somewhere in the open with mad people around, just in case he was on some Jeffrey Dahmer type shit. Cuz I’ll be cot damn if I let some stranger up in the cribbo! He was the weirdest of weirdos. He kept asking to see some of my photoshop work and could I come to some photoshop type convention that he and his colleagues are attending. and this cat had NO fingernails! like he chewed all them sh*ts completely off, B. He finally pulls the software out of his bag(I thought for sure that all types of masks, weird pr0n, and dildos was gonna fall out of it). and the shit was brand new in the box CS4. for only 50 dollars!?!?Not sure where this dude stole it from, nor did I wanna spend any more time with this dude asking. but he kept trying to sell other programs. I just think this was all leading to something bugged out, so I just stopped talking slid him the 50 grabbed the programs and bounced! He kept talking and asking questions as I was walking away, so onlookers were looking @ me like I was the one bugging!

    Good luck with that DP! LOL bring one of your homies, B

    Word is Bawn

  3. (ll) = No George Weber–

    It was very interesting to see the tone of the eulogies change SO quickly once folks found out Weber wasn’t quite the guy they thought he was. There’s a hell of a case defending the 16 year old kid as a juvenile, if the hype around the case allows it.

    All that said, I suspect your safe… Blackberry dude might just wanna flirt a little– just don’t go “skiing” with him no matter what he says!

  4. P-Matik says:

    iPhone. Bow down.

  5. Combat Jack says:

    i got a really used 8700 for sale. it works, but is banged the eff up!

  6. alljointsleadto... says:

    i might got you on some sidekicks…

  7. dubble13 says:

    If the transaction goes haywire, you can tell a great story about it in your next post!

  8. Smear says:

    “realest shit is some dude gripping up on your manhood until you have full release. I’m not mad either that I won’t ever know what that feels like”

    Perhaps you spoke too soon after all. No homo. And I certainly hope not for your sake. Stay safe (no)

  9. Tiffany says:

    “If the transaction goes haywire, you can tell a great story about it in your next post!”

    That would be a tight post but of course we hope all goes well.

  10. pana says:

    I got a 8700 but the track wheel is fucked. I still want 200 bones though….lmao!

  11. Che Guerrilla says:

    Did you buy it yet? My cousin might have some for sale. What service?

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