The Reality Re-Up featuring Meyhem Lauren…


Editor’s note: We posted this drop over a year ago and I wanted to revisit it because I am doing an SFU-NYC tour this weekend in Queens. In case you didn’t peep this drop last year you can pick up some Meyhem tracks and get more familiar with this real life FRESHman.

True story is that during the Sneaker Fiends Unite! NYC Tour in January I met this dude in the Jimmy Jazz off Jamaica Ave. Sonn was totally unassuming and personable. He didn’t introduce himself as a rapper, a graff artist or anything spectacular. All he did was compliment me on the ‘Lo scarf I was rocking. No homo, of course. He asked me if I was looking to pick up some vintage I.T.’s and I told him that I would do deals or straight cash and I gave him my math.

Because I was trying to make the SFU video I really didn’t process the connection or fam’s name. When he left me the message later that evening (thorough cats be about their business) and I heard his name I laughed to myself. This nigga is a fucking underground rap legend. I know of dude from my dunns at the Industry Shakedown Radio show, but an even greater moment of serendipity was that UnKut did a drop on Meyhem that same exact day we were politicking in the sneaker store.

Meyhem Lauren is the exact dude that I would want to be if I was a rapper. First of all he rocks that lifestyle like no one else. Some of the most famous personalities in the music industry owe their swagger to Meyhem’s collection. As a former graff artist he understands and embodies the universal law of Hip-Hop: be original fresh with your style. At the end of the day that is all that ever matters in graff, dancing, fashion, and rap. It isn’t about your skin color or the neighborhood you rest in. If your shit ain’t fresh then you are faking the funk.

Meyhem sent me a few tracks to rock out to that describe how he lives Hip-Hop. This dude is one of the realest cats doing what it do. I know this because of how he introduced himself to me. Quiet and confident, until he grips the microphone. Peep some of this reality…


‘Heavy Cream’



Robbie at UnKut just posted an interview with Meyhem Lauren.


12 Responses to “The Reality Re-Up featuring Meyhem Lauren…”

  1. atifl says:

    two of best songs i’ve from meyhem have been “glorious” and “got the fever”, dude is sick with it.

  2. Smear says:

    Yeah, starting with Giuliani, the politicians cleaned up your town to the point where even the NY rap anthems sound soft as hell. Case in point, the Jay-Z/Alicia Keys song. Sean P will save the day, though.
    P! and cats like Meyhem

  3. Smear says:

    So th ‘Lo End Theory is all go eh?

  4. the_dallas says:

    The ‘Lo-End Theory is going d-d-d-d-down mang.

  5. Smear says:

    Yup…and I’m stuck on the other side of the Globe. cunts
    Already pissed that i missed Chef Raekwon on Saturday Night due to some Bullshit…. Just having one of those weeks i guess.

  6. Smear says:

    Green to this Twitter ish (tho I understand @HEXMURDA rightly runs that bitch) so thanks for linkin up the IC’s as one of my 7 (yes, seven… CHEA!) followers dP.
    FreddieGibbs and NahAlumni b-ease and Co!!in are in there too so you’re in relatively good company. LOL. Fuck knows who them other peoples are.

  7. parodi says:

    two of best songs i’ve from meyhem have been “glorious” and “got the fever”, dude is sick with it.

    I NEED THAT. Got The Fever is my favorite track of his..

    Along with 7000.

    I need a full-length mixtape/lp whatever from dude.

  8. RTHSTN says:

    Dude brings heat consistently, def will look for a new drops from him.

  9. Slumbilical says:


    of course the kids is half black…LOL

  10. Slumbilical says:

    no offense but how this nicca rap and buy clothes and cook all day

    daddy gotta be rich…fucking black trust fund babies

    brust fund…”brusters”…lolol

    and cats wanna lick shots at drake for being rich…at least drake make good music!

    no shots

  11. the_dallas says:

    It ain’t my biz to tell you how dude gets his paper but what do you care what’s in another man’s pocket?

    Next week you ain’t gonna be asking what’s behind his zipper are you?

    No shots, natch

  12. atifl says:

    personally it don’t matter you rich or dirt poor, if you make damn good music like meyhem does then i’ll listen to it.

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