Could’a Had A Polo Soiree…


The Highline Ballroom called to inform me that the inaugural ‘LO-END THEORY event would have to be postponed.

Now I know what it feels like to be punched in the face.

I couldn’t prove that I had generated the interest in this event. My RSVP count is currently less that 100p and I haven’t sold any advance tickets through the Highline Ballroom website.

I’ve failed before so I’m not in an unfamiliar place. The question is what I will do to follow this up. I have to get the word out about this event to a much broader audience. Securing a sponsor(or two) means that I can lock down the venue with paperwork instead of a verbal nod. I can use the added time to issue more content from the performers as well. Maybe this turn of events is more fortune than failure?

When I spoke about this to Thirstin’ Howl The 3rd he sounded encouraged as opposed to dejected. He was excited to work on more promotions for the event. If I can learn a lesson from anyone’s work ethic and perserverance it would be TH3. Before the internet was the internets Thirstin’ Howl 3rd had created a DIY movement that traveled across the globe. With a singular belief in self-purpose he has remained as an artist with NO major entertainment company support. He is totally in the streets and grass roots. I’m going to use his example to get this event back on track.

I’ve been living the lifestyle ever since my first rugby in 1986. That is far too long to turn around now. Excelsior my peoples. Let’s go…


27 Responses to “Could’a Had A Polo Soiree…”

  1. DirtyJerz says:

    I’m glad that you remain motivated. The great thing about this for me is that I get a 2nd opportunity to attend the 1st ‘Lo End Theory. The crowd that attend this type of event don’t RSVP. But that can all change, ’cause the streets are talking. Chicago & NJ cats calling me and asking if I know about the ‘Lo event in NY, and you know I was tryna catch a flight. This is global, B! You see how cats bid on eBay for this lifestyle hardbody.


  2. getthesenets says:

    Thirstin was/is able to do his thing because he’s built to be an emcee and a true hustler……not everybody is.

    everybody that can say 16 lines that aren’t wack isn’t necessarily an emcee

    everybody that watched scarface or stood on a corner selling poison to people who look like them isn’t necessarily a hustler.


  3. getthesenets says:


    what’s the track record for events you put together?

    attendance, problems,etc

  4. $yk says:

    I see them Reebok boxes!

    sounds like you need some email marketing right now…invite some of them other cats out there like Dro & Vado who be rockin’ ‘Lo, update flyer with invite list, keeps them attracted…thisis50 needs something to promote, XXL is killing them right now with the shows…Vitamin Water…

  5. Supreme says:

    D.P. on some real live shit my G this is most definitely not a failure. I was going but I had absolutely NO plans to RSVP. You Feel me? Do you know how many more heads out there that are just like me that were just gonna show up & pay at the door? Even though this event & the Polo lifestyle is universal, this event was still in a sense very hood although it was going to be done at a professional level but you know 85% of hood niggas DO NOT RSVP anything, not even a fucking wedding out of courtesy B, you feel me?

    The older Gods used to tell me as a shorty ” be a scientist before you’re a warrior ” so now I’m telling you that same thing. Now is the time to be a scientist & experiment with different ways to make this event even bigger than it was originally gonna be & MARKET it on an even larger scale. Here’s a suggestion if you don’t mind, you fucks with Sean P , Thirston, Mayhem & a few other some what celebrity/famous individuals real tough so make sure to ask them when you come up with a new date & a venue that every time they get on these internet interviews & Satellite Radio shows or when ever there’s a camera in front of them to shout out the event & the date after they’ve promoted themselves & tell people to come to the event. Shit, see if you can get one of them Hot 97 DJ niggas to promote on air since they’re so dedicated to the ” Hip Hop Culture ” ( ….maybe Pete Rosenburg & Cypha, Miss Info? )

    I know a man of your magnitude doesn’t need my advice. I’m just just saying though bruh, what happened is most definitely not a failure & it just gives you, the other organizer & the performers more time to make this shit pop more than it was already going to.

    Ya heard, holla

  6. the_dallas says:

    Real talk is that I’m not dismayed by my failure. Disappointed but def not dismayed. This teaches me several lessons about what I’m trying to piece together. The people I have been promoting to are not the highly motivated A-type responders. I’m sure they would show up, but this venue needed to see more action especially considering the fact that they were gambling on the event.

    The thing I have been reluctant to do so far is to reach out to people that don’t fux with the lifestyle like that. I wanted the event to be more representative of the people that are true collectors and appreciate the history of Polo in Hip-Hop. You don’t see comic book conventions seek out people outside of their realm, but then again, comic collectors go in hardbody for their passion.

    I have to find a different way, a better way, to motivate the folks that are part of the core constituency. Some dude asked me this week if he was gonna get his I.T.’s stolen? He said it as a joke, but just the fact that he said it made me realize that he was afraid to come out from his mom’s basement. I gotta do a better job.

  7. Promotion = thankless, and since you were doing it for love not money, consider this a blessing it disguise. Supreme speaks many truths but at a certain point, it’s gotta be FUTILE, esp. since you have so many other things to do/the people want. Single-minded promotion is fine for folks for whom that’s their calling but… it’s a goddamn slog for the rest of us, esp. when you have straight job, art, life to do.

    That said, despite its high profile, I wonder if Highline was the best place to start?

    Also, tho’ ** I ** thought it was a sweet idea, is the swap meet + concert too much to start with? Maybe build with the swap first and then … ?

  8. You came out the gate and shot for the stars my G. Nothing to be disappointed in, everything for a reason.

    Maybe see if any smaller venues are still interested in hosting the event?

    Dunno, but big respect off the effort alone, I’m still riding with you when you re-up.

  9. Jaislayer says:

    “This teaches me several lessons about what I’m trying to piece together.”


    You are going to do better, because of this. The older heads use to tell me “it gets greater later”. This thing is going to pop, what about taking the “Lo’ End Theory” to the park or maybe doing it like a block party. We don’t need a club to make it happen..this is HipHop..We do it where ever. Peace.

  10. A window just opened.

    You’ve been on this planet longer than me, so I know you know how these situations work…

    More time to make it even awesomer(?) than it was already going to be.

  11. kansas fried chicken says:

    everyone on the site should be advertising with their own blogs or facebook pages twitters myspace hoodspace whatever. send some flyers out n around the city. get a street team busting. hook up all the colleges with the info, boutiques, stores, bodegas. nah right and 2dope boyz are promoting right? make a commercial and post it up. send it to world star hiphop…is the highline the right venue for this anyway?wheres the after party at too?

  12. Kansas– you’re not wrong but… I question why DP should bust his ass being the pied piper for what’s supposed be a fun thing for the people? Doesn’t mean some kind of event(s) can’t be done but goddamn that’s a lot of work! And to what end? Sometimes heads aren’t ready– sometimes they never will be.

    It WOULD be hot to make up a thousand of those ‘hood party color postcards and put ’em in all barbershops, laundromats, record stores, soul food and West Indian joints etc.

  13. Cosign KFC…

    Most of us have our own sites & followers, albeit not DP magnitude but still. Idk how man cats in NY read my shit, but I’ll gladly put up a post (or 3) about it.

    I’m down to be part of the (cyber)street team…

  14. getthesenets says:

    i think some of the sites.worldstar, especially, would bring the wrong element…..

    just saying……….if you see some of the vids posted there and,for a chuckle, read the comments……don’t think you’d want anybody having to do anything with worldstar in the building….

    what might work, is to get at some of the book publishers that put out the true school hip hop books…….and work with them…..synergy, feel me?
    yes yes yall, the photo book by jamell shabazz,etc….the ones who are archiving ny centric hip hop culture in book form…..
    either sponsorship opportunities, or for feature on the culture in upcoming book…..

    you being who you are…having run with who you ran with…fuxing with these publishers…could be a good look…

  15. the_dallas says:

    Family(and friends),
    I have this extended period to think long and hard about what I would like this event to be.

    I took on this job gladly and for the good and bad it will be worth it to produce an event that brings more heads into the fold. Think of the event as this blog on crack x dust. I come here to fill this page up for no monetary gain, but for the dialog and the subsequent discussion going on five years now.

    This event is going to combine two worlds which love each other but don’t totally understand each other. Exhibition x music and each side has their own celebrities and superstars. My vision for the event (and subsequent events) mingles the two so closely that everyone becomes a star.

    Maybe I’m just too futuristic?

    Without a sponsor I’m just too broke.

  16. BIGNAT says:

    dp you will find a way to make it happen. it might not go according to the original plan but it will work out.

  17. Re: the future, yah, I think it’s GREAT you had the vision and glad you’re unbowed. So maybe this is the pause (no ll) that makes ‘Lo End Take II hotter than I. I dunno shit, really, but I did keep thinking you’d get some kinda retail sponsor.

    getthesenets: If I told you how LITTLE $$$ those kinds of book publishers have to spend… you’d wonder why the fuck anyone ever bothers.

    That said, Powerhouse Arena in BK– which is also an estimable book publisher– might be a venue to think about.

  18. the_dallas says:

    You might’a just pushed the button to help me get this thing right…

  19. Combat Jack says:

    That other thing we planning is marinating nicely. Soon come. Shock & awe twenny ten.

  20. the_dallas says:

    ^ Combat Jack is the ox I keep on the inside of my cheek

  21. 40 says:

    Still got my big & tall ITs for whenever the fuck it is.

  22. qwimby says:

    Holla at Sucio Smash. I’m pretty sure he’s into the Lo lifestyle. Maybe he could spin at the event. Also you could spread the word on his show. Squeeze Radio broadcasts worldwide.

    This might be a shot in the dark but any way to get the Megatrondon involved?

  23. DirtyJerz says:

    Word Is Bawn!

    Dallas, on everything, don’t go through April 11th and not do anything. You should do a meet-up in a park nearby the Highline – just to keeps the streets buzzing and photographers, like Mel D Cole on the set, just so them scary dudes can see what its gonna be, and also to connect, politic, ditto with more cats into the culture. Everybody bring a plastic cup with they drank, herbalz, and layers of ‘Lo. Kinda like a pre-game to L.E.T.

  24. LEX says:

    This is actually pretty good news for me cause I had a scheduling conflict. Now I’ll just make sure I have a good day with my kids. Might even hit the Polo outlet that day instead. BONG.

  25. Johnny Sagan says:

    Ooo, I think I can guess the button Willis pushed…do it Dallas, the world is ready! I’m out in San Francisco right now, and the other day, when I told a Lo’d-down kid in a cafe about The Lo End Theory, it turned out he was also visiting from New York, and though he hadn’t heard about the event, he was super-interested. I’m sure we can reach every last one of the less plugged-in Lo heads like him with a slightly more meticulous promotional strategy.

  26. RTHSTN says:

    DP your G is too futuristic for this to fail. Its going to happen no doubt, but it’s Just a matter of time. Without a sponsor its def an uphill battle.

  27. fosterakahunter says:

    Right on, Dallas> With advance notice I may come out to NY for your RL bash.

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