I Don’t Wanna Wait…


“For my life to be overrrrr.”

I want it all NOW!


And to this end, I along with the Internets Celebrities present to you The Ghetto Big Mac finale.

27 Responses to “I Don’t Wanna Wait…”

  1. 40 says:

    Looks economically decadent. Can I get the IC’s to cater an affair for me?

  2. SIC says:

    Big Mac Sauce??? LMAO…..

  3. Bobby Finstock says:

    “Die jumpin out the window of deliciousness”….vocabulary skills is ill

  4. Kiana says:

    If you die from eating a ghetto big mac I will kill you! stop it, DP!

  5. bloodbath33 says:

    so the internets celebrities fit club just jumped out the window of deliciousness.

    “were gonna dip our nuggets in it…pause”

  6. puerto-black says:

    The Bastards in Buffalo defentily charge for mac sauce. Bumass ronald

  7. $yk says:

    “this is a super preservative…”

    * snorts boric acid *

    big mac sauce in Rip City, OR=free of charge

  8. sean p 4real says:

    im not watching this
    u the reason im big now
    ghetto big mac pt 1 fucked me up

  9. This ain’t QUITE the “Sanford & Son” scene I was looking for but–


    … even thinking about DP going in like that makes me scared for ‘the big one’

  10. cocotaso says:

    the IC’s stay winning.

  11. BIGNAT says:

    LMAO!!!! @ P!
    fuck that dp i need to go to mc donald’s with you.

  12. Smear says:

    This just cuts me up. FREE BIG MAC SAUCE!! My local maccas won’t even let me put it on my fuckin cheeseburgers (not the regular ones the McDouble 1.99 special joints)….and I offered to pay the prick. Maybe its a cultural thing….the pakistani manager/register boys down here knows the true value of that shit- PRICELESS…..and he aint gonna part with none of it less it on a Big Mac and he HAS to.
    IC’s and NYC stay winning
    and despite what Oprah says, Australia….. we lost.

  13. Smear says:

    # December 15th, 2010 at 2:56 pm

    If you die from eating a ghetto big mac I will kill you! stop it, DP!
    # bloodbath33 Says:
    December 15th, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    so the internets celebrities fit club just jumped out the window of deliciousness.

    that too.

  14. 2Amaze says:

    Jah Bless Ya Heart my G!

  15. DirtyJerz says:

    Lolz No Dallas. The world is not ready for that video. I wasn’t even ready for that pic.

  16. Fosterakahunter says:

    Man, I got the Mexican lady at McD’s ringing up my order for the Ghetto Big Mac before I even open my mouth now. See what y’all did, Dallas?

  17. Fosterakahunter says:

    Yeah, so what’s up with bookie-mouth, yo?

  18. colombo says:

    “it doesn’t take up square footage, the ghetto big math uses air rights”!!!!!!

    is this the first ghetto architecture/development joke ever?

  19. Slumbilical says:

    If yall want the real talk on this subject, your boy Slumbeezy got married in City Hall in Chicago.

    Nah, true story – my dad’s best friend is an Imam and we had a little ceremony in my wife’s backyard (her parents have a nice lil crib on the river), but we didn’t get the marriage certificate beforehand to let him endorse it.

    So he did the Islamic ceremony and then we went to City Hall to get the certificate.

    You go down an escalator and meet with this old black dude who look like your uncle that works as an accountant and is the only one in your family who “made it” (so everyone asks him for money.) Nicca was tall as fuck and light skinned and had glasses and a closely trimmed moustache and a huge robe that look like a Bishop Eddie Long cape [ll]. Mad imposing – like they want the nicca to make you second guess if you really want to get married ha.

    Dude took like 4 minutes to mary us. He asks questions like, how long have you known each other, why do you want to get married – true story, shit’s hilarious.

    The waiting room is the best though. We seen two retarded couples (or couples where at least one member of the couple was retarded – I’m talkin’ mobile wheelchair and all that, severely retarded), two Mexican couples where the broad was already pregnant, and a black family that brung their whole family – grandparents, kids, counsins – all that shit. I’ll bet anything they went to Cheesecake Factory after.

    Anyway, the clerk stamps the certificate and you go up the escalator and a nicca with a Polaroid hands my wife a rose and snaps a pic. We did it for teh lulz but I was salty that the only backdrop was city hall. Woulda been better if the backdrop was like a airbrushed pic of Dipset or something, but wtv.

    I’ll never forget that day. Fun times.

  20. Real Talk says:

    Not to burst your bubble DP…

    but you swagger-jacking these Montreal Canadiens


    Keep it real. Your skits and interviews are dope but pay homage.

  21. P67 says:

    I spent $8.09 on some bullshit at Wendy’s.. $8.0(fucking)9..
    but that shit you got going there looks delicious.. I try not to fucks with this fast-food bullshit.. but I’ll fucks with that.. I remember them JR big macs from back in the day.. them dollar joints. I saw this at like 2am but got sidetracked by that two girls one cup bit.. FUCK that! check out one guy one jar.. them dirty sluts ain’t got nothin on my man with the jar..

  22. the_dallas says:

    Real Talk, can you tell that this video was shot 6 months ago? PrA’li not.

    Anyhoo, I def fux wit EpicMealTime but the ICs was the OG sandwich hackers back in ’06 with the Ghetto Big Mac.

    Now go get a late pass dummy

  23. bopped says:

    glad you took the 2 girls 1 cup post off. have you had the sandwich since?

  24. $yk says:

    dP took down that sh^t sh^t…

    ‘Snow (RMX)’-Roc Marciano f/P!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    ‘Marcberg’-Hip Hop Album Of The Year

    and I ain’t the only one who thinks so…

  25. van says:

    It should be illegal to sell that much fast food to two people.

    I can’t lie, I destroys the Big Mac with extra sauce.

    Gotta work out though son. An hour on the elliptical will burn that shit right off.


    BTW those Canadian niggas bit the IC so stfu.

  26. the_dallas says:

    ADB! What is that link? I can’t get it to open on my side

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