God Bless The Child…


Nothing is better than getting some ass whuppins from your parents when they are half nekkid. That shit is love right there. They didn’t want waste time putting on a shirt to show you how much they loved you.

Mr. Penn has kicked my ass in his underdrawls many a time. Strangely enough I might give up several of my favorite action figures to have him hollering at me again with his belt in his hand [ll].

Anyone ever get they whuppins with something other than belt?

A shoe?

A switch?

Do tell us internets.

27 Responses to “God Bless The Child…”

  1. sean p 4real says:

    extension cord and broom stick

  2. the_dallas says:

    Wow, extension cord? Hardbody.

  3. Tha5ftAzzazzin says:

    1)Dad getting mad while cutting my hair=Clipper wire being pulled from the wall and being whipped with it
    2)Wooden Brush
    3)Wiffle Ball bat; the fat ones, not that skinny yellow bullshit

  4. the_dallas says:

    That Wiffle ball bat whuppins sounds crazy. I can see that bat moving thru the air with stealth and accuracy. LOL

  5. $yk says:

    xtension cord
    hard cover books
    detachable iron cord

    whatever was close and could inflict immediate pain

  6. sean p 4real says:

    call me dallas

  7. Smear says:

    The big wooden spoon…… poor Ma went to tears when she broke that fucker on my brother’s ass. LOL

  8. fredMS says:

    lol i dont advocate this shit but this kid is so big i got no real sympathy

    hangers dog
    wire ones if it was something heinous
    if it was especially heinous u’d get slapped with the knife heated over the stove

  9. puerto-black says:

    Chancletas, switch, belt, stiff right jab to rib at 16 because i had the stupid male “i think i can beat my Dad” momment. It worked, I was shock and now I have a career in nurseing and a Family. The weirdest shit is when I gave my first whipin to my daughter, it REALLY does hurt you; more then it hurts them lol.

  10. puerto-black says:

    12 quick joints and that was probably just what they showed on camara. It was defentily a part 2 after that ass whoopin. “put that on your fucking wall”

  11. the_dallas says:

    It takes a level of maturity to realize how much my folks loved me for them to spank me. The world outside of their home wouldn’t hit me because they loved me and the difference now is obvious.

    I hope the kid in that video learns from this experience and doesn’t go off in another direction due to peer pressure, because that is definitely what will happen to the kid who doesn’t get them whuppins.

  12. Krashone says:

    Hot wheels track…and the ever faithful backhand downward,ya know ah pimps callin card!!

  13. josh says:

    Yo that wooden spoon was real shit, worst was you know right when that shit broke they were comming back just as hard cause you gotta make them buy a new one….I moved to the midwest from va and I swear none of these cats ever got more than a hand and a belt.

  14. Smear says:

    My old man never needed to hit me when I tried that BS…. he just sat on my scrawny ass. lol.
    my old lady’s dad though? that miserable cunt

  15. Unruly says:

    Weeping willow tree branches/switches!

  16. Haitian Greg says:

    1. Bicycle chain
    2. Vacuum cleaner pipe
    3. Broomstick countless times
    4. The best was a panel from my desk. Caught that motherfucker on the side of my head.

  17. BIGNAT says:

    i remember because of my nosey ass neighbors i got three beatings in one day. we had a half day from school i didn’t tell my parents my older brother caught me and beat me. which went into my mom beating me and my sore ass had to wait till my dad came home to get the final beating. worst beating i ever got came from grandma she used her cane like a ninja. i was fucked up i would say that was the worse beating in my life and i have gotten jumped by people before.

    i will say beating done correctly will make you think twice before you do dum shit. heh we going throw rocks at windows your brain is going tell you heh now you this is dum. mom and dad have already told us not to break stuff that doesn’ belong to you. you wouldn’t like if someone would break your windows. plus the talks if your told not to do something and if you do you going get a beating. before i would get a beating i get a talk. then after a beating i would get another talk. except with grandma you just getting your ass taken out hahahah

  18. Juan Solo says:

    Extension cord
    Battery Cable from a car battery (the mettal joints)
    back scratcher

  19. the_dallas says:

    Big Nat,
    You ain’t neva lie. My worst whuppins evar was from my great grandma. Me and my cuzzo Jennifer used to stay with her in Co-Op City and be jumping on her bed. We broke the bed and she had to call her son (my uncle Teddy) to come fix her bed. She gave us both the whuppins and we were crying, but I know it hurt her way more than us because she was our great grandma. I never jumped on her bed again and she kept making me the perfect peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

  20. high heel– moms didnt always have time to get the belt.
    switch –my aunt had a switch tree with permission to whoop my ass.

  21. puerto-black says:

    @DP, True indeed

  22. DirtyJerz says:

    My pops sent me outside to take the dog for a walk. I walk to the playground, see some of my homies, and against my better judgment, commence to lettin’ the dog off the leash to chase some bitches. How was I to know that the dog would keep runnin’…for blocks. and blocks. and blocks. ’til I can no longer see him.
    Four hours later I give up the search so I head home , with just the leash. I slowly head into the kitchen to give my father the news of how the dog took himself off the leash and said peace. As I’m telling him, he gets up from the table, but as he’s gettin’ up, he knocks over his beer. A this point Pops is SUPER heated. All I could remember was mom dukes saying “Richard, don’t kill my chubsy-ubsy!” as pops proceeds to wailin on me with the leather leash and caught me a couple times with the metal latch. I’m on the ground, I see the can of Shaeffer’s still has beer bubbling out of it, so I put the can right side up and offer it back to him as an olive branch. He stands over me and looks @ me like wha’????? FOH!! He whacks me again and says, “nigga, I don’t give a damn what time it is, you gonna go to the corner store and get me another beer!” I’m thinking….”i’m 11 years old. Where in the f*ck am I gonna get beer?”
    Then he sent me upstairs to my room for life with no bail, where my brothers are cryin’ & laughin’, mocking my mom’s “Dont kill my chubsy-ubsy!”. I look out the window, and the dog is in the backyard chained to the tree.

  23. the_dallas says:

    My dad gave me a whuppins one time with his cigarette on the edge of his lip just clinging there due to a spittle drop. I still don’t know how that cig ain’t fall, but it didn’t. LOL

    My dad even gave whuppins to some of my homies too if he caught them fuxing up.

  24. DirtyJerz says:

    Lolz!! My homie’s pops was like the neighborhood dad who doled out the ass whuppins to everyone- I think thats how he got so much ass from the all single moms…hell, they might all be his kids!Ha!

  25. DirtyJerz says:

    Cats don’t even smoke bogies like they used to…back then EVERYTHING you did was with a cigarette hangin from ya lip! my uncle used to pour gas into my mini bike with a cigarette w/2 inches of ash hangin from his lip and we would always think he was gonna burn his friggin face off!LOL

  26. the_dallas says:

    Right? ‘Member how long that ash used to get? My dad ain’t smoke 1000s or menthols neither. Marlboro red box. Only Black dude I EVAR seen’t puff them jones.

  27. dmitry aka brooklyn jew says:

    My pops didnt beat me, he threw stuff at me. He was like a russian peyton manning or sometin. But instead of a football he had a wooden spoon or a hairbrush to throw at me. lol. I never left my toys on the floor again after that ordeal.

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