Facebook Is For Fossil Ass Dinosaurs…

I predicted Facebook’s demise several years ago when I got my first taste of the TWitter phenomenon. Facebook was fun, but TWitter was computer crack with reckless abandon. TWitter is the global lunchroom that Facebook wants to be.

Facebook had that awesome movie, but TWitter is the movie. It’s pr0n0graphy. Now that the kids are into it I predict TWitter is going to blow the fux up. Just like that meteor what killed off the dinosaurs.

Teens Migrating To Twitter: Sometimes For Privacy

4 Responses to “Facebook Is For Fossil Ass Dinosaurs…”

  1. BIGNAT says:

    personally i don’t have twitter all people do is link all they stuff together so what does it matter?

  2. McNulty says:

    facebook is still goin’ strong for college kids…

  3. dronkmunk says:

    Twitter has been pretty huge for a while. I used to think it was worthless, but it’s actually pretty great for tapping into the social zeitgeist.

  4. On point but deeper on some levels, Twitter is the joint right now but Tumblr is where you cannot navigate around the youth. Wolfgang and a few other have catapulted to national status with little to no facebook, minimal twitter (with the exception of riding on cats), and exclusively releasing new music via Tumblr.

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