the fun bunch

That exploding noise that you hear is your pension future being placed inside the mortar rocket of a tank in Baghdad/Lebanon. These guys are laughing because FERNANDO FERRER ate all the cocktail shrimp before everyone arrived.

The sound bite buzz word for this year’s NY gubernatorial election locally and other national posts will be the term ‘Living Wages’. Now that the proverbial cat is out of the virtual bag which says during the last six years the erosion of the middle class has continued unobstructed I expect all the tricksters to talk about their love for the working people. It’s beoming obvious to me that we, the people, need the tricksters less and less if all they are going to give us back is empty rhetoric. Attorney General ELLIOT SPITZER is going to be the next governor of New York no matter who I vote for unless people take a serious and close look at how he passes the buck…

spitzy On Wall Street Corruption
“Frankly, it was never practicable for the AG’s office to receive a vast sum of money and then try to disperse that money to individual investors, … Those individual investors will have to go through some sort of fact-finding process to demonstrate who relied on who and is owed how much.”

On the Right to Privacy
“This is believed to be the largest deliberate breach of a privacy policy ever discovered by U.S. law enforcement, with this case against Gratis, we hope to set a new standard for Internet marketers and consumer research companies. Personal information secured through a promise of confidentiality must always remain confidential.”

Uhh, hello, Federal wiretapping anyone?!? I guess SPITZER conveniently forgot about that case since it was way out of his league. SPITZER’s a Wall Street lackey who will bust the unions’ butts open like a coconut. Kiss that pension goodbye ladies and gentlemen, you folks will be working up until the day of your funeral.

One Response to “POLITRICKS 2006: TRUST NO ONE…”

  1. sangano says:

    I’ve observed this mans politricks from a birds eye view at Yeshiva…its funny I’ve been calling myself Elliot Spicster for some time now…i love jew gulliness

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