KIMORA LEE SIMMONS Is A Raging Anti-Semite


While KIMORA LEE and RUSSELL SIMMONS were touring through the African nation the Republic of Botswana to visit the diamond mines that the T.I.’s have on smash KIMORA was overheard to be complaining about the body odor’s of the local people.

Hasn’t RUSSELL told KIMORA about the tolerance that you must have for all peoples? The people that live in Botswana are some of the poorest, most downtrodden folks on the planet. Famine, drought, disease and AIDS give them one of the lowest rates of mortality and all KIMORA can think about doing is selling her Baby Phat perfume. I can’t wait for her and RUSSELL to return to New York and try to sell me their Def Jam Jewelry for Christmas. The one thing that KIMORA has learned from RUSSELL is how to hustle people.

4 Responses to “KIMORA LEE SIMMONS Is A Raging Anti-Semite”

  1. john wilson says:

    i thought they were divorced. heh.

  2. Gee says:

    She is a prime example of one of them that thinks she made it and is one of “THEM”…she seriously don’t know that with a real divorce her ass would be in the SAME predicament, but for the grace of Russell…

  3. esbee says:

    Was the title for attention purposes? (got mine anyhow)

    LOL @ her…which is why celebs going to the fatherland really don’t move/surprise me no mo’ some just got an agenda to make themselves seem philantrophic.

  4. Blkbear says:

    Shes on sum dumb Ish!

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