“I Get Wild Like LARRY DAVIS”


I know that I’ve sworn off using YouTube videos in my drops, but let’s face it, they’re a beast with force that you can’t deny. Kind’a like your mans-n-them ESKAY from Nah’Right.

Nah’Rizzle dropped a link the other day to this series of YouTube’s documenting the story of NYC cult hero LARRY DAVIS. Most people aren’t built to withstand the heat that comes from the entire NYPD trying to kill you while the supremacist media simultaneously castigates you. LARRY managed to do that. He lost his ability to walk in the process, but he never lost his will to live.

Peep dude’s true story…

4 Responses to ““I Get Wild Like LARRY DAVIS””

  1. RD says:

    good shit, Dallas. D, i see XXL is recognizing the grind, u saw your shout-out in the latest issue of XXL?


  2. NinaMM says:

    I spent a significant amount of time here today. Says alot I suppose. Since I have this short attention span and all.

    Just love it so much when I learn something new about something I didn’t know shit about.

  3. LM says:

    I’d just gotten to New York a few years earlier… funny how differently the events of November ’86 looked to my naive self compared to now. I was younger then than RD is now. Sheeee-it. (Hell, Larry Davis was almost as young…)

    Good ties also to all you’ve written about crack’s impact back then in bringing down communities, and even to excessive concerns with materialism, image, etc. Until those are placed beneath active community building, problem solving and ethical decision-making the current and future Larry Davises will always be close to getting caught up like he did.

    And I’m not even talking about police terrorism against black men. That’s just what makes his story famous.

    Same, unfortunately, for Sean Bell, RIP. I hope Joseph Guzman and Trent Benefield recover well enough to say what they saw. Not much more to add to that case than what was said on your other post.

  4. OA says:

    Thank you. I, as well, learned something new today from this post.

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