nyc skyline

When I drive over the Queenboro Bridge at night and I see the entire city illuminated from the top to the bottom I imagine that each of the lights represents someone sitting on the toilet taking a dump. Where do you think all the shit goes for millions of people confined to an island? Don’t be surprised when you start to smell shit more often. Folks living up in Harlem on West 145th Street have been smelling NYC’s shit for years since the sanitation department’s waste transfer plant is up there. And some people still have the nerve to ask why Harlemites get asthma disproportionately. Anyhoo…

My story begins after a long day at the office. I found myself working late to make sure that a political project was handled properly. Please forgive the alliteration. I hadn’t left the office all day save for the two minutes that I went outside to purchase a gyro from the roach coach that parks across the street from my job. I don’t even know why I do it to myself. Their food runs through me like the #4 train from Grand Central to Union Square. It almost always starts an insurrection in my intestines. Truth be told is that I like to take a good crap. It makes me feel lighter and spry. So maybe subconsciously I really enjoy crappy food for the after effect.


As I finally left the office I had the chance to take a seat in the throne room. It was right around my scheduled drop off time too. I went into the bathroom in my office complex on the same floor as my cubicle. The cleaning staff hadn’t scrubbed down the toilets yet so I was disinterested in sitting inside those stalls. It amazes me how some adults will leave a bathroom in disarray. Who puts paper towels inside of a urinal? Who sprays urine all around a bathroom stall? I decided I would wait until I got home. There’s no better feeling than getting home and kicking off your shoes before your drop a deuce inside your own private Idaho.

My office is in the badlands area of NYC. That’s a secluded area of Queens near the East River just south of Queensbridge. If you don’t drive to work you are semi effed because the walk to the subway station takes about twenty minutes. After walking to the subway I waited an unusually long amount of time for my train. When it barreled into the station it was uncomfortably crowded for this time of the evening. This is the case when there is an unscheduled service interruption. So now I have to stand for the thirty or so minutes of my ride. The train crawls through the tunnel and it looks like my ride might be longer than I expected. Just then I felt ‘The Bubble’.


We all know what ‘The Bubble’ is. It’s that moment that your insides tell you that you need to find yourself a restroom. It’s like Def-Con 4 in your stomach. Systems are put on alert. There’s no war going on just yet, but people are awake. The train stalls inside one of the tunnels in between stations. I can feel a droplet of sweat forming at my scalp, then running down the side of my face. ‘The Bubble’ comes back. It moves down the pipe into a new position. It’s not at the door, but it’s in the hallway. If it stays put for a minute I have a chance to get home in time. I say a prayer.

When I exit the subway I’m at the commuter railroad terminal. I still have another leg to complete on my homebound odyssey. The delayed subway has caused me to miss the limited stop express train that I wanted to catch. Now I have to wait fifteen minutes for the south shore local. When the train arrives I rush onto the car and find myself a comfortable seat. Commuter trains have leather seats with headrests and ergonomic back supports. Yeah they cost a lot of money to ride and part of that cost goes to maintaining amenities that you may never use. Amenities like the bathroom. All of a sudden, ‘The Bubble’ makes a violent push to the doorway. What I call a colo-rectal code red. I’m not going to make it back to Freeport in time so I get up out of my seat and I look for the bathroom.


The bathrooms on the commuter railroad are not situated in every car, but in every other car of the train. It’s just my luck that I have to walk into the next car. ‘The Bubble’ strikes out at my intestines causing me to take a knee for a moment. There’s a wild situation going on in my stomach and if I don’t make it to the bathroom in time I may have to throw away the pants, socks and shoes that I’m wearing today. I hurriedly walk to the bathroom and when I grasp and twist the handle I see that the door is locked. Frustration covers my face and I look up to see that the bathroom has an ‘Out Of Order’ sign illuminated. I go to the next bathroom at a slightly faster pace. Not running, but definitely walking fast.

It would be just my luck that a pretty, young grey-green eye was sitting across from the bathroom. I was too far gone to walk to the next bathroom and as I passed her we both eyeballed each other. I closed the door to the batroom and engaged the locks. The last thing you want at this moment would be company. The bathrooms on the Long Island RailRoad are ridiculously spacious and I hung up my coat and work bag on the hooks provided. The toilet surface looked clean, but I still gave it the requisite wipe down and I even placed toilet paper on the seat. Without any time to waste I removed my button down shirt as well and then I sat down.


A toilet bowl with no water inside of it might as well be a megaphone or a gotdamned public address system. When I unleashed the war that was inside my bowels the echos from the machinegun fire and bombs dropping was almost deafening. I could only imagine what it sounded like outside of the bathroom. I laughed and groaned simultaneously. It felt like I was passing a brick. I cursed the mutant bacteria that lived in that piece of shit hot dog truck. After the first wave there was a second wave that was mushy and watery. I was in that bathroom so long I thought I was going to miss my stop. The classiest thing about LIRR bathrooms are the fresh babywipes. These things are murder on residential septic systems, but if you are in a hotel bathroom or a friends house I suggest you use them. Your ass will thank you.

When I exited the bathroom I looked at the grey-green eye, but she refused to look up at me. She prah’lee couldn’t handle the fact that real men take shits wherever they want to. She wasn’t that fine anyway. The train arrived at my stop in another minute and I left the train and then walked to my apartment. I narrowly avoided humiliation that evening and I was thankful to be back home again. I vowed from that night on to no longer eat from the food truck, unless of course, I was already sitting on the throne.


30 Responses to “COMMUTING TO WORK IS CRAP!”

  1. Alex2.0 says:

    wow! that was too funny! i havent laughed this hard in a while! had a similar experience at work. but at least you wont ever see the gray-green eyed lady again.

  2. ELOHEEM STAR says:

    I got two rules/rituals that must be done 1 hour prior to my 1 3/4 hour commute home.

    1. Use bathroom

    2. Charge ipod

    No exceptions.

  3. twerkolator says:

    you work a job dallas?

  4. the kid p says:

    I’ve never been compelled to the point of commenting to someone’s blog, but that shit was fuckin hilarious. When i drop a bomb at home, I usually turn the shower water on as well, so it gets nice and steamy in that joint. Everyone thinks its weird. Smokin a j white shittin is nice 2.

  5. Candice says:

    This is classic. Post of the Year.

  6. AC says:

    haha, good stuff. Although I never mess with the LIRR toilets because there’s always a shit log floating in the toilet. never fails.

  7. The 40 Vuitton Don says:

    LMAO… For all the years I’ve ridden and still ride the LIRR (No Doogie Howser) I’ve never been ballsy enough to pinch a loaf on the train. Props to you homie. I on the other hand rock the cripple peoples stall at work to skretch out. As my “away” message on AOL IM titled “Shatner” says:

    “I’m away taking a mind bending dump in the crippled people stall. My handicap you ask? I’m a black man in America dog.”


    On the serious side though, I was on the 5:17 train that killed the graffiti writing kid. Man Long Islanders are savages. I was disgusted by how many people were more pissed off about their Friday commute than having the perspective that no matter how bad your week was it didn’t end being mauled to death by a 50-ton commuter train…


  8. Tiffany says:

    This was the funniest thing I’ve read in what seems like months!! I almost cussed a few folks out for walking in my office asking me “work” questions, while I was trying to read this. Damnit!
    I hated myself for anxiously waiting to find out whether the bomb would be dropped in the pants/socks/shoes or in the toilet. Too funny.

    “I laughed and groaned simultaneously.” LOL!!!

    “When I unleashed the war that was inside my bowels the echos from the machinegun fire and bombs dropping was almost deafening.” LOL LOL

  9. S Dot says:

    The only thing worse than being the guy dropping off the Cosby Kids at the pool in such a demonic fashion is walking into a public restroom and HEARING the guy doing said dropping. The heavy breathing, the groaning, hearing the toiler paper dispenser flap around faster than a movie projector…oh lord.

  10. such imagery. such passion. I hummed one of those theatric numbers while I read the part about your mountain-like climb to la toilet.

    take note ladies, real men doo-doo!

    that’s some real epic shit fam. pun intended.

  11. LM says:

    That guy in the first pic (maroon shirt with tie facing camera) looks like he just felt “The Bubble.”

    Great story.

  12. Nessia says:

    Damn, and you can always hear what’s going on inside an LIRR bathroom, especially if that was as loud as you saud, LOL.

    Glad you made it homie.

  13. Big Homie says:

    I have to agree with Candice. Post of the year. Classic. I had to read it twice because the first time I was dying laughing to the point I had tears in my eyes. You know the kind you get when you handling your biz on the toilet.

  14. Goliano says:

    “When I exited the bathroom I looked at the grey-green eye, but she refused to look up at me.”


    This was some classic shit (pun intended), dude. (no Andy Warhol)

  15. RD says:

    im about to literally shit in my pants from a diarrhea of laughter lmaoooo. Shit that was funny, D.

  16. Vik says:


    good to know we nyc train bubblers don’t live alone.

    this is why they closed the bathrooms in the subway stations.

  17. CB4 says:

    Wow… epic story … effin hilarious. The epic dilema: use the nasty bathroom, or take your chances to get home in time lol…


  18. CB4 says:

    ^ P.S. I just realized I used “epic” twice within the stretch of 6 words… too bad I can’t edit it lol

  19. Ripper says:

    I couldn’t agree with ELOHEEM STAR more.

  20. p-city says:

    I was having a really fucked up day until I read this post. This is the funnies thing I have read in a while. You’ve got to do a video with actors and a voice over (no special effects, though)

  21. dubble13 says:

    The story definitely belongs in the DP Hall of Fame!!!
    Too damn funny!!!

  22. Bace says:

    Classic. That shit was too funny.

  23. Nigeria says:

    Funny Shit.

  24. evolveone says:

    got damn! I am cryin’ laughin’…people at work are looking at me like I’m crazy

  25. Amadeo says:

    Son that was funny…but it touched me too. I know that struggle. Hell I dropped on at an open mic event a couple weeks ago. The door wouldn’t lock so I had to stretch out and hold the knob…and then my ass spoke to the bowl like it was Carlito “Here come the pain!”

    The worst part is your body recognizes your distance to the toilet and the closer you get the more it yearns to let go.

  26. ruimixx says:

    OMG!!! Man, this reminds me off awful memories. That pain/feeling is the worst! Hahaha! You couldn’t have told this story any better my friend.

  27. hell dont you hate it when you get that pain while you’re sleeping…the feeling is magnified. not to mention excessively warm.

  28. Thorsten says:

    Funny as hell! Thanks man

  29. 911 says:

    No words just laughter………flatulence and the shits being spoken upon is always funny to me…….another classic nod my dude.

  30. LL(not the rappa) says:, how graphic.

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