It’s Bricker Than A Muv Up In This Muv…

ice, ice baby

Which is still no excuse for my anemic posting this weekend. Can I say that I killed a bottle of Belvy for delf during the Super Bowl. That shit is the smoothest vodka known to man. I didn’t O.D. on crappy snacks either. Kept it real eye level. Cold cuts and chicken wings. The Super Bowl was a surprising good game even though CBS made a point to not wiping off the rain soaked camera lens. I’m glad that TONY DUNGY gets to be a Super Bowl winning coach, but real talk is how did DOMINIC RHODES not get the MVP award for the way he shredded the Chicago defense? Oh, I almost forgot, PEYTON MANNING is the white Jesus.

greco stuffing

How gay are sports? So gay that high school wrestling in Minnesota has been banned because there was an outbreak of herpes. The irony wrapped around the conundrum was that the outbreak was believed to have originated from a wrestler at Valentine High School in Nebraska. Dayum, so this is how they celebrate Valentine’s Day in the midwest? Whatever happened to motherfuckers just giving each other heart shaped cards and shit?!?


Speaking of high school kids, and Valentine’s Day and sexually transmitted diseases. Texas governor, RICK PERRY is requiring grade schoolers to be innoculated with a vaccine that reportedly prevents the human papillomavirus, or HPV. This virus can cause cervical cancer if undetected for a prolonged period. I am a big opponent of the pharmaceutical industrial complex and I feel like this proposal by the Texan governor is filled with some corrupt kickback incentives, but I can’t deny that I hate cervical cancer in women either. The ugly beauty of America is that you are damned if you do and certainly damned if you don’t.


One of the best bloggers on the internets is BYRON ‘BOL’ CRAWFORD. His honesty and wit has made him a cult figure among all of us who submit commentary of society, art, culture, love and whatever else comes to mind. BOL has made the leap to video blogging, even though the video blog is someone elses. If RAFI and I can change the face of Hip-Hop blogging then why can’t other Internets Celebrities get their day in the sun? I’m waiting to see Nah’Rights ESKAY and and Crunktastical’s FRESH in a porno together. Nullus, of course to that last sentence.

19 Responses to “It’s Bricker Than A Muv Up In This Muv…”

  1. sangano says:

    bol’s pretty funny, but i still fux with you dallas. if only for the one-off ‘lo showcases

    btw just’s sweater on that saigiddy 106 freestyle was serious firm biz

  2. eskay says:

    >>I’m waiting to see Nah’Rights ESKAY and and Crunktastical’s FRESH in a porno together.

    I pitched the idea to her, but she wasn’t with it. I told her, we could be HUGE on Youtube.

  3. sasha says:

    booo for bol. he spits hot shit through his finger tips. i just wanted to either (a) give that jig a hug or (b) slap his damned face after that video. dpenn, you got swagger. i appreciate it. this nerd ass terd clearly has had years of practicing talking hard in the mirror so he can put it on the nets but he turns into geech fucking central with a camera in his face. get some carmex and public speaking classes.

    htf you gone be soft spoken? bad call, bol. i’m a fucking nerd too. whatever, man up. maybe i’m just mad cause it’s late and my man is still on counterstrike source. O_o

    …..he does look fluffy and huggable, but in a sympathy sorta way.

  4. RD says:

    yeaa that video really violated his rights as a speaker (and a man). Shiiit, these bloggers are hiding behind their words. That aint gangsta at all. Tell em Dallas

  5. Tony says:

    Damn it to all HELL Bol has balls for appearing on a shitty webcast that nobody watches in order to talk that guy!!!!!!

    Write whatever you like but BOL TOOK A HUGE RISK showing his face in an unflattering angle, on a rinky dink program when he is literally one of the loudest voices in the hiphop community right now.

    Personally, I like the vid because you can tell the guy is a deep thinker and while I thought he should have done some “Man on the street” action in STL (No homo of couse) I’m glad to see the guy showing his face and opening himself up. Again, no homo.

    Nice find Dallas, I just hope you get some credit for digging it out.

    As always. No homo.

    P.S. What’s to follow . . . A bunch of haters ripping the guy a new one when they wouldn’t dare step out of their mom’s basement.

    Courage. The dude has courage and my respect. Now I gotta think up more fat jokes for the next time he writes about immigration and how much he hates mojados like my Grandma.


  6. Nigeria says:

    Dallas what’s up with the video playing automatically, scared the shit out of me.

  7. Vee says:

    ^sasha – (double co-sign)
    Talking sh*t about other people is easy to do when you can hide behind a keyboard, well at least Bol is not hiding. So I guess he gets some credit. I thought he would at least speak like he had some conviction and/or integrity. Well at the very least his blog is entertaining. And I seriously doubt he will be able to make a transition from blog to radio.

    . . . for the record, taking cheap shots at the dearly departed to make a cute anecdote is tasteless, wrong, corny, etc. The whole shock-jock, i’m-an-asshole, provocateur steez continues to incite and grab the attention of listeners. After a while, I’ll eventually tune out.

  8. tps12 says:

    Okay, seeing this I am glad he just became an angry blogger instead of shooting up a Mexican daycare or some shit. Always the quiet ones…

  9. LM says:

    “Alfonso Ribeiro from Silver Spoon? C’mon!” LOL

    I saw this fairly in-depth piece on Bol a good minute ago…

    Bol and DP do completely different things… yeah, they both have blogs but jokes aside, DP isn’t just sitting in the basement. Least not all the time.
    His subject matter is broader and deeper by at least four factorial. That said, Bol is younger and can develop.

    I agree with Nigeria on the auto-play video.

  10. Tony says:

    This is just me being a bitch and nitpicking but I hate it when people use the term “said” to describe what someone has written. I believe that “noted” is the preferred nomenclature, dude.

    Sorry. Still, good stuff.

  11. Combat Jack says:


  12. esbee says:

    Dude is a GEEEK!

    He ain’t bust no guns

    He ain’t been on the block (c) Young Jeezy @ NAS

    How this dude gets under ppl’s skins is what I’ll never know..I mean this video is not a good look..hahahahaha

  13. I like the video. Didn’t like the way it started up. Dude seemed shy.

  14. DenailJ says:

    bol is a FAGGOT. eskay and dp yall blogs are the shit tho!!

  15. the_dallas says:

    ^@ Twerk,
    that NYTimes editorial reads like a Merck commercial. If that shit saves people so damn well Merck should give it away.

  16. Bron crawford makes Bryant gumble look like malcolm X says:

    Damn! For the record, i fucks with Bol ( no homo), but dude is straight up BAND GEEK… Real talk, i can even picture him marching with his tuba lol.

    Its gonna be hard to view him the same again.


  17. Tired of Niggas says:

    What a weirdo…Dude is like an unemployed failed rapper/producer that wacks off on the net all day, talks sh*t on blogs and then gets hired by to up ratings. Nigga don’t rap he just comentates…No vaule! But seriously Bol a weirdo for real!

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