the brain

I can give you eight quick reasons why RUDOLPH GIULIANI is wasting millions of T.I. dollars on his presidential ambitions. The letters in his last name.

G – I – U – L – I – A – N – I

The United States has NEVER had a president whose last name ended in a vowel sound. McKINLEY and KENNEDY notwithstanding, and there was this guy named MONROE, but after that nobody. Do you remember how GIULIANI’s umbrella holder BERNARD KERIK was shredded by the Senate? That shit was so embarrassing dude can’t even come back into the ‘hood anymore.

My gut feeling is that GIULIANI is being gassed up by some G.O.P. operatives since he can get blinded when he is chasing power. These cats are gonna pull out the rug from under him something awful. They’ll expose him for cheating on his wife and abandoning his children because his son is mildly retarded. All of this will make JEB BUSH and JOHN McCAIN seem normal by contrast.

As an aside, did GIULIANI have CHRISTYNE LATEGANO disappeared?

14 Responses to “THE BRAIN GOES ALL IN…”

  1. Uncle 40 - "Future of the Drunk" says:

    Just the tip of the ‘berg DP. You know all the muck raking they do to presidential candidates… So lets also add the following to Rudy’s shit list of no-no’s that won’t fly (these are all documented with media footage), running as a Republican:

    As a young US Attorney RG helped prosecute numerous drug cases in the Federal Eastern District of NY thanks to his star witness Leroy “Nicky” Barnes who often appeared at trial dressed as a Negroe Klansman to protect his identity. RG would go on camera on “60 Minutes” extolling the values of Barnes and recommending leniency on Barnes life sentence for his cooperation. Some 18 years later Barnes currently is free in Witness Protection.

    While we can thank the current “safety” levels in New York City thanks to the Guiliani Gestapo who relentlessly harrassed young male minorites with exorbitant “Quality Of Life” offenses. The reckless abandon that the NYPD went about snatching up brothers for “standing in the same spot for too long” led to a myriad of civil rights violations due to racial profiling. Also he created the test crucible for the heavy handed “Culture of Fear” that has been implemented nationally by the Bush Regime. One could also deduce that the current recklessness of the NYPD over the last 10 years can be attributed to the carte blanche cowboy justice that RG afforded our boys in blue.

    Family values – is this not the same man who so boldly flaunted his girlfriend Judith Nathan while still officially married at several media events while doing his 9/11 national suck off tour? The balls of RG to so arrogantly flaunt his concubine before any official divorce? This may work in Hollywood or on Page Six, but this ain’t gonna win you any red states, even if you wifed your sidepiece and she reinvented herself as (isn’t this cute) JUDI GUILIANI…

    Please people if you can add on to the list of why Rudy wouldn’t make it and why he should just save his scrilla before he truly plays himself any further… Although I’d love to read the “HO SIT DOWN” post when it comes out…

  2. ELOHEEM STAR says:

    + RG married his second Cousin + had an openly gay roommate + did a “spoof” cross-dressing + pro-choice + pro-gay marriage + pro-gun control. The conservatives and Christian right will not tolerate any of these behaviors.

  3. Lion XL says:

    Listen the republicans ain’t crazy. They are gonna put G-rock in the seat because at the end of the day they want to keep control of the white house. They need two things to do that, some one the masses can associate with, and two some one they can throw under the bus when the chips drop. Sorta of how the dems voted in Carter.

    G-rock will run his mouth, usually before its fully loaded, and then the Reps can make him a scape goat while keeping the real party heads under cover. See that’s why the ‘i’ at the end of his name is important. He’s italian, an ‘accepted’ minority, but still a minority. They are gonna protect that old school money and use G-rock as a front, and when he goes down in flames, the old money still got their power.

  4. sangano says:

    Great comments Uncle 40 – hey isn’t Loon (yes the BB4L) related to Nicky Barnes?…i thought i read or saw that somewhere?

  5. j says:

    reeeeaaaaal taaaalllk. plus, i’ll cosign on eloheem’s comment. i would co-sign on 40’s comment, except i don’t find the majority of what qualified as offenses under rudy g’s time “exorbitant”. even the “standing in one place too long” shit.

    i know i’m going to catch hate on this one, but why do people need to hang out on corners 24-7 catcalling at 13 year old girls or laughing and screaming to the tune of loud-bassed music?

    you have many “civil” and “natural” rights. disturbing the peace and being a pedophile are not among them. loitering needs to be illegal in many, many places, with the possible exception of public parks within certain hours. otherwise, you are asking for trouble.

  6. Vik says:

    These cats are gonna pull out the rug from under him something awful. They’ll expose him for cheating on his wife and abandoning his children because his son is mildly retarded. All of this will make JEB BUSH and JOHN McCAIN seem normal by contrast.

    nice insight my dude. this is it. political relativity. while the democrats noodle around and divide the vote btw hill and obama, the repubs got a PLAN. give giuliani some 9/11 clout, then show him the door once JEB steps up to the conservative callers…..

  7. SordidPuppy says:

    John McCain will win the republican nomination, Hillary will win for the dems, and McCain will win the election.

    Just my prediction.

  8. Eloheem Star says:

    @ j

    Now that I’m grown up and all conservative and shit I agree that something should have been done to increase the so called quality of life but Giuliani created an atmosphere that led to the shooting of Sean Bell.
    Arresting people for loitering homelessness, fair evasion and other misdemeanors was just an easy way to deal with the lack of resources for the poor and mentally ill and lack of programs and recreational centers for the youth.

  9. Eloheem Star says:

    ^^co sign with SordidPuppy.

  10. Lion XL says:

    Co sign Eloheem…..

    it’s same as always, ignore a problem until it gets out of hand, and then fix it by making it a criminal act…..

  11. Sandinka says:

    Props To “Uncle 40” For The Depth…The Real Shitkicker
    Is The Exertion Of Influence Those Special Interests Possess!
    One Has To Consider That This Is An Election That Is Splitting
    A Wide Swath Between The Citizens By Way Of Race(Obama),
    Gender(Clinton) & Regional Demographics(Edwards).
    It’s Not An Impossible Thought That Adolph-Ooops Meant Rudy
    Guliani Might Be Our Next President Albeit A Very Scary One..

  12. Vik says:

    forgot that i posted this song a couple a days ago:


  13. eauhellzgnaw says:

    Republicans are like any other group: they have one set of standards for thir own and a different set for other people.

    Look at how they support Arnold Schwarz, who is a lecherous pervert, a Hollywood “pretty” boy, in addition to being pro gay rights, pro-choice, pro-gun control, and pro-environment. A number of them even want to change the Constitution so he can run for Prez.

    They don’t care that Bush is an “affirmative action” posterboy, that he was a coke head lush, or that his people leaked info to out a CIA agent. And remember the Dubai ports deal? Had a Democrat done this shit, Republicans would have crucified him.

    If it looks like Rudy has a shot, Republicans will ignore his positions and indiscretions to keep Democrats out of office. What’s more likely though, is that Rudy will change his tune to pander to the rural conservative base, much like McCain. Can you imagine if these two bulbous-domed freaks are on the ticket together and end up winning? To the uninitiated, it would look like aliens had taken over the country.

  14. Eloheem Star says:

    ^ Bush & McCain can be controlled. Giuliani is a megalomaniac he will only play mouse for so long. An old Wise Homeless man taught me a lot about political Black – White American culture. One thing he said when Pataki was thinking about tossing his hat in the presidential arena. “The Southern Cracker Hates the Northern Cracker” The same will hold true for

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