
But hopefully not with these humps.

If you are one of the cats that spends as much time on the ‘nets as I do then you must have already seen(and heard) one of the greatest cross-collaborations in the history of the world wide web. It was like the United Nations of rap bloggers coming together to celebrate the fact that most of them haven’t left their parent’s basements in over a decade.

When Oh Word magistrate RAFI KAM told me of the idea to create a mega-list of fifty of the greatest rap songs that people had slept on you should have seen my eyes roll. When RAFI gets excited about an idea he talks so fast that sentences are melted into a slurry of sounds and grunts. I was sure that the list would be comprised of Sean Price and GhostFace one offs that were recovered from some discarded DAT found in a dumpster in front of a NYC sound studio.

In fact RAFI had help from the ‘others’ that write for his site as well as respected Hip-Hop bloggers like ROBBIE and NOZ. This was a compilation of rap classics from a multi-national, multi-ethnic perspective. They considered things like production value and lyricism (a derrty word in current rap circles) when they chose their songs. The curators of this list are the best backpackers in the blogging cipher.

The true essence of the backpacker was that they owned every single cassette from everyone that ever rapped and if you wanted to hear some gangster shit they had you covered. If you wanted to hear some weedhead shit, that was in their backpack as well. Of course they had that Free Mumia rap music too. These curators were the types of cats to have the set of headphones that were held together with scotch tape. These are the types of niggas to let the tape rock until the tape popped. Enjoy some boom bap history courtesy of Oh Word dot com…

  • 50 Incredible Rap Songs You Need To Hear … Right Now (1-10)
  • 50 Incredible Rap Songs (11-20)
  • 50 Incredible Rap Songs (21-30)
  • 50 Incredible Rap Songs (31-40)
  • 50 Incredible Rap Songs (41-50)
  • These guys are so drunk from the power of the music they have brought to us they have even released a bonus beats drop with an additional twenty tracks for you to hear.

    These dudes can’t stop, no, they won’t stop.

    6 Responses to “RAP NERDS UNITE!”

    1. rafi says:

      For the record, I didn’t do a thing to put this together. RHS was the man on coordinating all this. All I did was enjoy the finished product.

      And thanks for the links.


    2. omegaSB says:

      im enjoyin this alot dallas ….i was in a sonic rut …now i have something to dig through electronically ..thanks for filling my sunday afternoon lol

    3. Robbie says:

      No Jansport or Granola bars here sir.

    4. noz says:

      i do enjoy the occasional granola bar.

    5. Sach says:

      I’d be furious if I didn’t occasionally hide out in my folks’ basement. DAMN YOU INTERNET CELEBRITY!

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