He Get It From His Daddy…

pat jr

Sadly, the ugly gene is not recessive…

Over twenty DP Dot Com readers descended upon Yahoo’s Final Four Tournament site to partake in the first annual DP Dot Com Final 4 Bracket Challenge aptly named DP Dot Com Final Fa’Shizzle. At stake were bragging rights that you beat DP at something sports related as well as a gift pack from the website including a pair of ‘Black Fives’ NIKE Dunks and a related t-shirt. A one-hundred and twenty dollar value, as BOB BARKER might say.

As the tournament nears the home stretch about half of the field’s participants still have a shot at the grand prize including some of the site’s regulars readers and some new friends we’ve picked up recently. I just wanted to let everyone that participated know that you are all winners in my book.

And GREG ODEN is a biatch!

9 Responses to “He Get It From His Daddy…”

  1. A.C. says:

    I just want to say that it has been an honor to participate in the first annual DP Dot Com Final 4 Bracket Challenge. And the ‘Black Fives’ NIKE Dunks are mine.

  2. Cashus Clay says:

    As the tournament winds down id like to give a big ups to The DP fam and no hard feelings but this lightskinned nigga is takin em Dunks

  3. x7an says:

    Damn, I meant to get in this joint and put off making my brackets. I could’ve used a new pair of dunks. DP you getting mad generous. That xxl money must be something else.

  4. the_dallas says:

    ^These giveaways have nothing to do with XXL. The Football Pool anf the cRapper Fantasy League is all out of my pocket on the strength.

    Y’all dudes come to this site and read my shit and leave comments, because I respect the time that y’all give to my work and the fact that I believe time = money I feel like giving some things away is the least I can do.

    But, thats just my style.

  5. A.C. says:

    I officially retract my earlier statement. At least the part about me winning the sneakers. dammit

  6. CommishCH says:

    Greg Oden? I thought that was Robert Parrish playing for OSU. Dang.

  7. Doc says:

    i got fl. ucla. g-town and oh st.
    with g town & oh st.
    then g town win ALL

  8. doc says:

    nevermind my last comment. i didnt realize that gtown & ohio had to go against each other in the final four. damn im tired.

  9. Tai says:

    My TarHeels are out…dark days around here.

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