MATT MURDOCK Was My Nigga (ReMix)


Peace to my dude COMBAT JACK (no BB for DD).

The above pictured comic book is the climax to one of the most intense love stories that you will find in graphic literature. Marvel Comics was so fucking bomb azz back in the days because their characters felt so real. Motherfuckers were hell’a conflicted and bi-polar before we even had the term for that shit. The good guys were often borderline criminals and the crooks were fucking insane. The appeal for Marvel was that they weren’t afraid to give young writers and artists a chance to shine. The truth was that they couldn’t afford to pay anybody either so they let their creative staff have pretty much free rein.

There was a young writer/artist named FRANK MILLER who took over the book and he made the Daredevil character one of the most down azz heroes in the comic universe. Daredevil’s alter-ego was a blind defense attorney named MATTHEW MURDOCK. Daredevil was somewhat the Marvel counterpoint to Batman. He operated mainly at nighttime and he used the shadows and the dark as his accomplice. Daredevil operated mainly in Manhattan and FRANK MILLER would use New York City streetscapes as backdrops and occasionally the latent character. Daredevil was a cool street motherfucker too. He would be fucking up the ‘H’ and ‘C’ pushers as he made his way to getting the head of the mafia underworld, the Kingpin.

The Kingpin was getting tired of Daredevil fucking up his racketeering so he hired this sociopath named Bullseye to kick Daredevil’s ass. Bullseye was a major badass. He had been mindfucked by some secret government agency and turned into a killing machine. He was cut loose when they realized that they couldn’t control him. Nigga was so sick he would kill motherfuckers by cutting thir larynx with a playing card. He threw a pencil into this dude’s eye socket one time. When Kingpin contracted Bullseye to kill Daredevil, Bullseye was going to do it for no money down. He just wanted the rush. No happs jack. In the end, Daredevil would always fuck Bullseye up with his own weapons.

Kingpin found out about this sick lady ninja assassin and he hired her to kill Daredevil. As the story goes MATT MURDOCK and this chick, ELEKTRA, were lovers back in college. She had to get disappeared when her dad was killed by some organized crime dudes. ELEKTRA’s real mission was to come back to New York and get close enough to the Kingpin to kill him, but now that she knows that Daredevil is her old love she can’t complete her job. MATT MURDOCK/Darevil wants ELEKTRA to get out of the killing game and lay up with him. The baddest part was when they were first reunited, Daredevil could recognize old girl by her smell. There is nothing more sensuous than a chick that has the pheromone combination that moves your manhood. Mind you that I am reading these books as a 10yr old so I didn’t appreciate the sexy shit until later.

Because ELEKTRA doesn’t fulfill her contract and now she is running the streets with Daredevil fucking up more of the Kingpin’s money she becomes a target. Bullseye takes the contract to kill Elektra thinking that it will emotionally weaken Daredevil. ELEKTRA is no fucking joke, but it’s a man’s world and Bullseye takes her ninja sword from her and shanks her good. ELEKTRA crawls back to MATT MURDOCK’s crib and dies in his arms. ELEKTRA’s death weighed pretty heavy on me too since only a year prior the X-Men creative team had JEAN GREY committing suicide in front of her one and only love, SCOTT SUMMERS.


ELEKTRA’s death was raw and filled with graphic pain and not heroic like Phoenix’ demise. You felt so much anger at Bullseye because he gleefully laughed at her as she bled like like a dog. I never wanted to kick someone’s ass as bad as I wanted to fuck up Bullseye. I wasn’t the only dude with blood in my eye. Your boy MATT MURDOCK brought it to Bullseye on some cataclysmic shit and broke every bone in his body. That wouldn’t be enough to make up for the loss of his love, but it felt good.

This is why Marvel Comics was that illustrative crack. Superman would never duff nobody out like this.


14 Responses to “MATT MURDOCK Was My Nigga (ReMix)”

  1. Gaberockka says:

    do they have this shit in TPB?

  2. belize says:

    Can’t believe that put lame ass Ben Afleck in the movie

    Its a crime I say!

  3. belize says:

    BTW, did the top right pic of Electra gettin murked look like she was pissing?

    just sayin..

  4. esbee says:

    Sadly the movie just could never live up to expectations. They need to revamp that junt on some “Batman begins” type stuff.

    DD was no joke..dude had a very mean streak, even when I was a youngun reading the comics I always felt this dude was borderline criminal..just the way he broke ppl down physically and all..

  5. Gee says:

    If youngin’s had never been hip to this saga before, you made them stand up and recoginze. They surely coulda found someone stronger than Ben to play him in the movie…

  6. Dart_Adams says:

    The panel where Elektra died fucked my head up when I was a kid…it’s ingrained in my memory forever. Just like the one where Wolverine guest appeared in Daredevil and castrated that dude with his claws. Spiderman never got down like that….until the early 90’s when he started running around town with Wolverine, Punisher and Ghost Rider that is. One.

  7. What up DP fam?

    Roland Garros tennis is heating up. Pls participate in my poll (nh), Poll: Top Beauty in Women’s Tennis.

    Pls hit up & Rock The Vote, no Riki Rachtman. Or Vote Or Die, no Puff Biatch Diddy

  8. Yo I always thought DD was a black man, just wondering

  9. the_dallas says:

    ^ Yeah, he had that swagger

  10. Gaberockka says:

    damn no one is gonna answer my question? not even you dallas?

  11. spider says:

    to gaberockka,

    marvel recently came out with three volumes of frank miller’s daredevil work. everything from the elektra saga, the introduction of stick and the hand, and the initial meeting of dd with the punisher.

    any comic book store should have this perpetually in stock. if they don’t, that’s ass-inine.


    to dallas,

    i’ve been reading these posts for many months now, and i’m elated at the quality of the writing itself upon all topics. with the comics and the collectibles, it’s been a bright spot in a tedious college existence sofar. i would like to see anything done on the attitude changeup in the 1990s when plasma guns with T&A became the “rage”.

  12. the_dallas says:

    Where were you at when we did the drop on the Frank Miller Daredevil omnibus?
    Go get a late pass player.

  13. Frank Miller’s whole run on DD was strait piff. When I go to the comic con this summer, I mos def gotta re-cop these joints. I tricked em off when I was younger. Good lookin for the refresh DP.

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