
This is how it goes down party people… The mainstream media uses one(or thousands) of it’s operatives to confuse the issues of a greater society with the travails of one man. Inside of the mental gumbo we see can precepts like race, morality, greed and ego flung around with abandon. I’m not surprised that BRYAN BURWELL was conscripted to throw this joint at us…

Blacks shouldn’t praise drug cheat like Bonds

BURWELL introduces lies in this piece right in the byline…

Giants slugger broke rules, which doesn’t deserve blind support from fans.

What rules?!? Keep in mind that BARRY BONDS has never admitted to corking, or using pine tar on his bat *pause*. He hasn’t admitted to using drugs either. So I wonder what rules have been broken. The only rule that BONDS has never adhered to is the unwritten one that says he has to be a contrite, head-bowed athlete.

Drug abuse in America has never been greater if you consider not just the illegal narcotics that are consumed, but all the instances of people abusing over the counter medications as well as the abuse from household items like paint. We are a society of addicts. Drug use should is how us poor people get by. BRYAN BURWELL may not consider his marijuana usage as drug abuse, and that makes his statements even the more ridiculous. Black fans of baseball cheered for MARK McGWIRE because they love the game itself. I wonder why BURWELL doesn’t argue that the records of BABE RUTH are invalid because he played when some of the best players of the game weren’t even allowed in the league.


Understand that BONDS has been schooled directly by someone who played (read: carried that weed fool!) with the G.O.A.T.s of baseball. You think that WILLIE MAYS and HENRY AARON didn’t tell BOBBY BONDS what it was like to be the best and still have to sit at the back of the bus? These men played America’s game in America during segregation. When ALL American institutions overtly discriminated against Blacks. Don’t you think that BOBBY BONDS internalized their pain and strife and then relayed it to his son?

The rule that BONDS has broken is the code of unforgivable Blackness. For his refusal to become subservient in speech and stance. Although I wasn’t amazed by BRYAN BURWELL’s article, I’m thoroughly surprised to see him obfuscate the truth about HENRY AARON. BURWELL had been a voice that I could trust several years ago when he was part of the New York Newsday staff, but now I see what happens to Black voices when the MSM reaches out to them.

Note: If I ever go Hollywood then take the drops up to that point and believe everything contained therein.


  1. enigmatik says:

    And the truth has been spoken yet again. Dope drop, sir.

  2. Peter Divito says:

    really have to disagree with you here. do you really believe that barry did not take roids? just because he never admitted to taking it means nothing. if you remember he was found to have traces of amphetamines in his system. his whole testimony about the “clear” and not knowing what he was putting in his body is a load of bs. what athlete who makes millions of dollars simply takes a substance knowing nothing about it. i would respect him more if he came out and said it ( i do understand why he won’t). regardless of whether he did or not (i would say yes-read game of shadows) there was no real rule against steroids when he,sosa, palmeiro,mcgwire , and countless others were doing em. there was a law against steroid use but not any specific rule within baseball. i don’t think that barry should be made into some sort of jack johnson type figure when in reality he is simply an arrogant jerk who doesn’t care about any greater good or cause, but simply cares about barry. i live in pittsburgh and i am aware of the racism that resides here- peep andy van slyke the great white hope but i think you are really giving barry more credit than he is due. baseball has been destroyed and i don’t see why any stats let alone barry’s should be cheered because they mean nothing.

  3. Redd says:

    so ppl r mad….cuz he “takes steroids” and hes going to break (white) hank aarons record? to be honest, i think steroid use is alot more common in ALL of the sports then the public realizes. footbal baseball and fucking wrestling which is not even a real sport that shit is acting for entertainment. the media picks and choses which figures to crucify for steroid use. @ Peter i live in pittsburh too and IT might be one of THE MOST RACIST ASS CITIES evar. see what the rooneys did when big ben got all fucked the fuck up last season, the REFUSED to give charlie batch a chance evan though ben had gotten like 3 concussions had surgery and the motorcycle accident. white mans world. as far as barry bonds, he does have like a bad attitude which is why ppl hate him and hes arrogant but hes good think about if terell owens was suspected of taking steriods…….

  4. Redd says:

    and then the article compares what barry bonds is accused of to Pacman Jones shoting up the club,wf. am i crazy or is that two totally diffrent offenses?

  5. the_dallas says:

    @ Peter,
    I don’t have any proof that Barry took steroids. It’s popular to accuse him of that so I play along for the laughs. You sound like my buddy Seth when you claim that the game has been ruined. Seth said that same shit after the strike in ’95. He was all like, “Fuck baseball, I’m never going back.” The same Seth and I snuck into Shea Stadium during the 2000 World Series. What exactly did Barry do to this game that hasn’t been done even worse than the owner’s greed and Pete Rose’s gambling and Doc Ellis pitching on LSD? Barry ain’t my GOAT player for his era (Ken Griffey Jr.) and he sure ain’t the villain of the game of baseball either.

    Please pick up this book from your library, ‘Hank Aaron: One For The Record’ by George Plimpton. Hank Aaron is FAR from a sellout or Uncle Tom. That man is hardbody deluxe. I ain’t mad at the Hammer either when he says that he will not be chasing Barry around the country. The Hammer is not a limelight dude, but he still gives Barry his props for being able to 1) hit the ball hard. This is something that Bonds has always done from day 1.

  6. Combat Jack says:

    America is mos def a nation of drug addicts. Don’t think so? Try staying off sugar or coffee for a week.

  7. Peter Divito says:

    at least your buddy seth stuck to his guns and didn’t pay to go back! i have yet to see a game this year at the stadium, but that is more for other reasons related to the bucs and their bs owners. i don’t think that drugs ruined the game, i would say that my interest has been diminished due to the financial situation and lack of a salary cap. drug use just makes you question what is real. it is all good cause when cats start dropping one by one alzado style i won’t be mad. the stats now mean nothing because of drug use, smaller parks, weak ass pitching, and juiced balls. i don’t disagree with you that pete rose’s gambling is worse than barry’s alleged drug use. pete rose is banned because that rule is posted on every clubhouse and he broke it knowingly. some people want him in the hall, but i say fuck him. if barry used (peep his skull size 10 fitted) he did not break a rule because there was no steroids rule in baseball then. but, i don’t really give a shit about him because 1. he is an asshole 2. he was the best player in the game BEFORE his body developed into something out of a bodybuilding mag and using drugs when you are the best to get an edge is sad

  8. Peter Divito says:

    agree with your statement about pittsburgh but i don’t think ben’s situation is a good example. they were not trying to keep batch down because he is black they wanted their franchise qb in there. it is all biz peep out faneca. if the rooneys were racist mike tomlin would not the head coach, russ grimm would.

  9. the_dallas says:


    Show some effin’ respect to Lyle Alzado.

    Do you know what it is to play professional ball in a mother effin’ arena?!?

    Do you know what it is to be so drunk with energy (ahem) that you tie a giveaway towel around your neck and with a cone on your head (cohanes stand up!) incite the entire throng to start the wave from the upper deck of Yankee Stadium?!?

    Until YOU do that you should show some respect to all the addicts of this great country. You may have kicked the hardball habit *pause* cold turkey, but there are still some of us that can see the forest amidst all the corked up, pine tarred bats.

  10. p-city says:

    Dallas, give Burwell a break.

    Let’s be real. Everybody in this country knew that McGwire was on the juice when he went after Maris’ record in ’98.

    EVERYBODY KNEW. And nobody cared.

    Baseball is simultaneously America’s most important sport and its most irrelevant. At every moment it looks for a chance to reclaim its former glory – not just as entertainment, but as the embodiment of American culture and ideals.

    After the ’94 strike canceled the World Series, it was Ripken to the rescue the following year with his “epic” run at the record. In ’98, it was McGwire (and his heavily accented sidekick, Sammy).

    Now it is the owners’ and journalists’ turn to play hero. In a time of economic and political uncertainty, they are stepping up and reminding us all of the importance of virtue, honesty and hard work.

    Burwell is no Uncle Tom. He’s just a guy like the rest of us who can’t hit Major League pitching. If he can’t lecture the rest of us, then how the hell is he ever going to play hero?

    Quit being an arse, Dallas. Let Burwell have his moment.

  11. Daniel says:

    I have to say, that I could not agree with you in 100% regarding , but it’s just my opinion, which could be wrong 🙂

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