Curbing My Enthusiasm…


Exactly one year ago I begged you to boycott all SEINFELD related projects after the implosion of his latently racist co-star MICHAEL RICHARDS.

Now that the year is up I am ceasing my SEINFELD moratorium. This means that I can go see ‘Bee Movie’ with C.S. this weekend and resume watching what was television’s funniest show evar.

‘Curb Your Enthusiasm’ is from the genius of the SEINFELD show’s co-creator LARRY DAVID. It is setup as a faux reality show following the travails of this man who left all the success of a hit television sitcom to settle into a normal life with his wife. LARRY DAVID’s life is anything but normal and week after week the show highlights the outrageous nueroses(sp) of the man the George Costanza character was derived from.

Guest stars portray themselves as LARRY DAVID’s real-life friends and oftentimes real-life nemeses as they try to contend with this insufferably selfish nebbish. No one could be as annoying as LARRY DAVID is and live to tell the story. Lucky for dude that he is so damn funny.

In one season of the show we watch as LARRY DAVID exhausts every single friendship and marker of goodwill he has in Hollywood while he and some other television stars try to open a restaurant. At every turn LARRY does something inadvertant to delay the grand opening of the eatery. Finally, LARRY chooses the chef to his liking, or more likely the only one in L.A. that will accomodate his constant kvetching.

The only problem however is the chef suffers from Turret’s Syndrome and is prone to profanity. With an open kitchen that is viewable and audible from all the restaurant’s patrons how will LARRY DAVID respond if and when his head chef explodes with expletives?

In another NSFW episode, LARRY DAVID does some ghostwriting for guest star WANDA SYKES new gangsta rapper boyfriend, Krayzee Eyes Killa.

Shout to iFux for the assist on this drop.

10 Responses to “Curbing My Enthusiasm…”

  1. Children of Sanchez says:

    this show is pretty damn funny. you seen the episode where he buys “schwag” from the big dude off Lost. hella funny

  2. KING ELZ says:


  3. Chris says:

    ahaha i co-sign. one of the few shows on television worth watching aside from The Wire and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

  4. e-loheem*com says:

    I didn’t sign up for that boycott but there is a nation wide “Take the black out of black Friday” boycott taking place Friday 11/23/07.

    I don’t watch a whole lot of tv but Curb Your Enthusiasm is hilarious. What’s disturbing is my ex wife says that Larry David’s character reminds her of me.

    Happy turkey or whatever to errrbody & thanks for the CD D!

  5. R.E. says:

    Larry David is the truth, DP. I can’t get enough of that show.

  6. Candice says:

    Pure Hilarity!

    Hope you enjoy the holiday. Be thankful Fam, we’re still here!

  7. A.C. says:

    It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is the shit.

  8. Donnie says:

    I love Curb Your Enthusiasm…One of my favorite episodes is the one with Crazy Eyes Killa..”are you my nigga”…Larry is a true fool. The episodes are so predictable but still funny as hell. We all know he won’t be with Vivica next season but it was a good way to end it.

  9. Big Up on the shoutout! CYE added JB SMOOVE to the show this year and that shit has been Crack fo’ sho. I still havent watched Sienfeld since the incident and probably never will.

  10. t-money bags says:

    “I submit that you took that baseball, stashed it in your unusually large vagina, and smuggled it out of here!”

    funniest episode…hands down!

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