“Bitch, You Got Some Bomb Ass Pussy!”


Or, when does a suicide bomber become a terrorist? Hip-HopDX’s the Ambassador goes in on the recent hostage drama at the HILLARY RODHAM-CLINTON campaign offices.

I have finally realized exactly who that line was directed to – Hillary Clinton. Not in the sense that Mrs. Clinton is a bitch, and not even in the sense that I think that she throws down like that between the sheets. Fuck all of that. That line was made for Hillary because some random guy seemed like he wanted to bomb(or as of recent reports, road flare?) her pussy(and his own ass in the process) to bits. I guess this is what happens when you get poon running for Prez.

Perhaps while Bill was getting blown by Ms. Lewinskeet back in the good ol’ days, Hillary was out getting some carnal revenge of her own on her husband. Could it be that this was a past flame of Hillary’s who was pissed that she didn’t leave her husband for him because she indeed possesses a bomb ass pussy?

Ha! OK, for serious now – let me stop. That’s unfair of me. Speculating that sort of nonsense ain’t a good look. But if it comes out that it was true…don’t forget who said it first.

Real talk though, there was a fact that emerged in this hostage drama situation, that although left unsaid by most, has been running rampant through my mind. I have not heard one media outlet refer to the hostage situation caused by the aforementioned guy with the shit strapped to his chest (who was identified as Leeland Eisenberg), as an instance of terrorism. It pains me to have to admit this, but it feels like the American media is at the point that to report something as being an act of terrorism, a person hailing from the Middle East (or at least that has a name that sounds like it was picked out by the local Imam) has to have been behind the act in question.

I began to wonder if perhaps my definition of “terrorism” was just skewed. This is where online dictionaries come in handy, and not just because I’m too lazy to walk across the room and pick up one of those heavy, bulky-type dictionaries. Even though I really am that lazy sometimes… Anyway, type the word “terrorism” in at dictionary.com, and this is the first definition you will be presented with:

“ter-ror-ism. [ter-*uh*-riz-*uh* m]. –noun. 1. the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes.”

Let’s review this a little bit. Eisenberg strapped a bomb-like device to his chest with duct tape. That’s pretty intimidating, if you’re going to go storming into places and showing it to people while taking them hostage. Furthermore, he was using that intimidation to coerce people (to allow him to talk to Hillary personally). Was he violent? Well, I’m not sure of details as to how he detained the hostages, but walking around with devices capable of igniting in some way, shape, or form, would imply that you intend to be violent. That leaves the last part of the definition to be dealt with – “for political purposes”. Well, this was a candidate’s campaign office, and he wanted to speak with a political figure for whatever reason. That seems like a pretty damn political purpose to me. He fucked up politics for the day in the process anyway; what with the Democraps’ most notoriously dysfunctional couple cancelling all of their public appearances, and causing two other democratic campaign offices to be evacuated as well. So…how is this not terrorism?

Oh, right. Eisenberg was just that. An Eisenberg. Not a Bin Laden or an Al-Mohammed-Ibrahim-Khaled-Ali-Baba-Abdul-Raheem, or some direct Al-Qaeda affiliate.

What is the difference between what Eisenberg did, and what a suicide bomber in Israel does?

Device to cause some damage? Check.

Duct tape to secure the device to yourself, ensuring a successful suicide? Check.

People nearby to blow up along with yourself? Check.

A goal in mind through all of it, even if it’s not necessarily going to make sense to anybody else but yourself? Check.

The only difference is that Eisenberg didn’t actually end up blowing himself up into a cloud of pink mist. He gave up and let the SWAT team have at him. But really? He scared the shit out of a good number of people, and the definition of “terrorism” said nothing about having to actually kill yourself or some other people.

Maybe this is just one of those fuck-ups of the English language that I just never understood. Kind of like how in the hell you get “colonel” to sound like “kernel”. Maybe I just don’t understand the concept of terrorism – I must have slept through the class periods in my government related studies when my professors talked about it. Although…maybe it’s not that simple. Or perhaps this observation is just a figment of my insomnia-induced imagination, and I’m just being an overly sensitive bitch who should stop complaining about the media (seeing as how my journalistic aspirations would benefit from having them on my side anyway…). I’ll leave that up to you to decide.

ambassador The Ambassador says…
“You say terrorism, I say terrific. Let’s call the whole thing off.”

25 Responses to ““Bitch, You Got Some Bomb Ass Pussy!””

  1. streets is watchin says:

    Recall that we’re dealin’ with the Clintons here, which means that what a terrorist is depends on what ‘is’ is!

  2. Belize says:

    Lol..this was the barber shop talk this week…1/5 Barbers say that Hillary might have some “Hairy/im not cleaning this shyt for a week/dry”pum pum. 4/5 think otherwise…

  3. jaislayer says:

    Hey Ambassador,

    I dig where you are coming from, but I think this Eisenberg guy is just crazy. In defense of your argument the media is on some BS. You never hear the media refer to the “Right to Life” people who from time to time shoot up or blow up an abortion clinic as terrorist. The Department of Defense defines terrorism as “The calculated use of violence or the threat of violence to inculcate fear; intend to coerce or to intimidate governments or societies in the pursuit of goals that are generally political, religious, or ideological”

    Terrorism is the unlawful use of threat of violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segement thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives- FBI definition

  4. Combat Jack says:

    ^”Was he violent? Well, I’m not sure of details as to how he detained the hostages, but walking around with devices capable of igniting in some way, shape, or form, would imply that you intend to be violent.”

    Hip hop quotable.

  5. Belize – Count me in that 4/5 majority. Hillary has that Presidential poon. She probably had a personal brazilian waxer, from Brazil nonetheless, on site at the White House. I mean shit, they had a bowling alley, why not, right?

    jaislayer – yeah, the guy was crazy, but that doesn’t negate the fact that even in a possible state of insanity the act that he committed was technically an act of terrorism under the definition. Unless someone strapped the device to you against your will…then you had intentions of causing terror. Crazy or not. The definition never said you had to be sane.
    Point taken though.
    FBI defintion > dictionary.com.

  6. Chris says:

    Hillary is a closet Republican. I once thought having her in office would mean reaping the benefits of having her husband in office as well but thats clearly not the case -she’s on some other shit.

    Great point about this Eisenburg character getting preferential treatment because he was white/Jewish/not a minority. That dude holding her campaign headquarters was clearly engaging in a terrorist activity. America is so crooked.

  7. 40 says:

    Hell hath no fury like a terrorist scorned.

    When will America learn that the more you deny nerds cooter the more likely they are to get on some fuck it terrorist shit. I’m not gonna name names because it could be misconstrued as being in wrong taste but look at your average Americana terrorist. Case closed.

  8. t says:

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  9. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    To me Hillary is “Miss Ann” as in Yassum Miss Ann, aieys going to do it right away Miss Ann. She looks, sounds pralle even smells like she could be running a plantation in Alabama. It’s funny how fame, the media and some bs press releases and tightly scripted lies can make a MF forget their history. In my mind/life/world if you can’t hang out with me or if you live in a gated community you do not reflect my life, values or realit so I can’t fucking vote for you. And fuck the lesser of two evils theory. That’s like asking if you want to be stabbed or shot. None of the choices make sense to me. Ernie

  10. MrFan says:

    I bet the pussy smells like grey poupon…. on a filet-o-fish. MMM that is some bomb ass pussy.

  11. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    She is a racist, elitist, classist lying piece of shit who will say whatever, whenever, and wherever it takes to get her fat honky ass elected. She is as vile as Guiliani and has a heart as cold as gun metal. Fuck you America if this is the best you can do in terms of leadership. Fuck you and your bullshit wars and your racist courts and your shit education system and your half assed medical system and your politricks. Bush represents America better than any man in the last 100 years. A stoned, dumb, clueless son of oil money whose answer to everything is death and war. No matter who wins we are FUCKED. Ernie

  12. Belize says:

    >She probably had a personal brazilian waxer, from Brazil nonetheless, on site at the White House.



  13. Amadeo says:

    The visuals that title evokes scare me.

  14. thoreauly77 says:

    “Fuck you and your bullshit wars and your racist courts and your shit education system and your half assed medical system and your politricks.”

    and yet there are some of us that are making a difference. vote your conscience by all means, and if not voting is what your conscience tells you to do, then do that. inaction as action = boycott. just know that in this case, the boycott is not visible or audible. your words are true to your perspective, but ring of bitterness and spite; what would your positive words reflect i wonder? i ask this because i respect your opinion and i agree with the above assertion, it’s just that i find the assertion to be all rhetoric and no pro-activity. what would the solution be? revolution? evolution? boycott? complaining? or grassroots organization, hell, even one person at a time living a conscientious lifestyle and profession that disrupts the pervasive and flawed system that we live in?

    i am an educator. i do not educate on how to make the “correct” decisions, rather the ability to think critically about the decisions that must be made. clearly the decision to vote or not vote must be made by thinking critically about the choice as opposed to what we simply do not like about a person or our presumptions about one another.


  15. Blackwater says:

    ambassador brings the heat with her shit. I wouldn’t fuck hillary will Bill Clinton’s dick and Al Gore pushing.

  16. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    To Thoreauly77-My life, my actions, my activism, my history (go thru the archives on this website) detail who I am and what my course of action to battle this beast is and has been.
    I totally respect your analysis and feel your input is reasoned and sane. Cretins like Hillary/Guiliani/et al are loathsome in and of themselves and the simple fact that anyone feeds into their BS is the harshest criticism of this distorted system of so called Democracy. Respectfully, Ernie Paniccioli Author/Activist/Educator/Photographer

  17. Why thank you, Blackwater.

  18. Kin Corn Karn says:

    Posting neon signs around town to promote a cartoon movie = terrorism. Holding a former First Lady’s office hostage, not so much.

  19. I think the lesser of 2 evils, some times can make a BIG DIFFERENCE.

    Dictator Gee Dubbz vs Al Gore or John Kerry for instance?

    Paniccioli, you yourself & others have exposed how Dictator Giuliani is not a moron like Dubbz, but perhaps is even more autocratic, egomanical, & evil.

    Hillary Clinton OTOH, is a “triangulating” elitist politician, but I don’t see her being a Constitution-shitting on dictator like Dubbz or Giuliani.

    I would prefer Richardson for his excellent job experience, or Kucinich for his policies. But the MSM ignores these dudes, so it doesn’t look they have a chance.

    If for no other reason, consider the 18-25 yo young men that might be drafted in a pointless war with Iran, if Giuliani gets elected & continues the crazy neo-con chickenhawk warmongering tradition. These men may be worth “holding your nose” & voting for the Dem candidate (Hillary or whoever gets it).

    If Hillary gets the nomination, I think she’ll nominate Gen. Wes Clark as VP or Sec Defense. This will allow Hillary to counter the typical ReThug talking point that “Dems are weak on Defense”. She’ll be like “Oh really, who is weak or has no experience, yall neocon chickenhawks who never served in the military, or General Clark. Scoreboard Beyotches”. Clark was the NATO general in the 90s Balkans war. Clark is an outspoken critic against a war with Iran.

    I say this in total respect to you Paniccioli, just want to add my $0.02.

    If McCain or Ron Paul wins the ReThug nom, I will go drinking that weekend & party like it’s 1999, both in the sense of the Prince song & Bill Clinton Admin. Why? This would mean whoever gets elected in 2009, we at least have a reasonably sane, non-dictator as President, for the 1st time since 1999. Yeah, I have low expectations now, thanks to the “lost 2000s decade” the Dubbz Disaster has caused.

  20. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Damn, I hate to do this, fuck up all your illusions, dreams, hopes, faith and bullshit, but here is the stark naked truth:
    G Dubbz/B. Clinton etc did what they were told. The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission (don’t read the wack ass conspiracy books on them, read the books by them Carroll Quigley for one) set the policy inititives, then the press and public relations hacks and the august, serious media help beat the drums and a land is invaded, a war begun, a trillion dollars allocated. Yes it would be dreadful to have Adolph Guiliani (who I personally think is insane) as Head Honcho, but even with Gore or the most liberal MF in that chair they must do as told or be killed, impeached or discredited. And if you think I’m just a lone nut, check my Bona Fides and then read “The Peoples History of America” by Howard Zinn or study the origins of this nation including treatment of Natives Peoples and the aggression, wars, land grabs, massacres and abuse of human and native and civil rights of Americans by it’s government from 1776-2007. Ernie Paniccioli

  21. the_dallas says:

    If it were that cut and dried we wouldn’t even have elections at all. Every month we would walk to the town square for our ration of soylent green.

    I agree that some form of government exists above our own as overseers but in all honesty what I call a shadow government may just be business leaders who have ridiculous amounts of capitol riding on the projected U.S. futures.

    One thing I would impart to anyone is the need to go to the polls for your states primary as well as the general election. Mostly to vote, but mainly to affirm your sense of community.

    You can continue with your refreshing nihilism Ernie

  22. Mr. Paniccioli,

    I don’t discount your opinion on The Council of Foreign Relations.

    Even if you are 100% correct, & the President takes “orders” from an illumunati-like groups like CFR, do you deny that Gee Dubbz has been significantly worse than Bill Clinton, or hell even his dad Bush 41?

    When the power of a job is so extreme, like the US President, the “lesser of 2 evils” can mean 1000s of less deaths, less poverty, inequality, science/R&D/health advancements, worse foreign relations, etc.

    I don’t know how 1 could conclude that theoretically the 2000s wouldn’t have extremely better with Bill Clinton in charge, & at least somewhat better with Bush Sr 41 in charge.

    Or conclude that the future time frame 2009-12 won’t be significantly more focked up with Dictator Giuliani, than with any of these flawed yet non-Dictator politicians like H Clinton, Obama, Edwards, Richardson, Kucinich, McCain, or R Paul.

  23. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    There is no DIFFERENCE, only a matter of DEGREE. It is the core, root system that is flawed, damaged and demonic.My absolute proof of the madness of this shitstem is that they propel a soulless, subhuman halfwit cave boy like G Dubbs or JulieAnnie or a plantation redneck cow like H. Clinton and would have us expect they have a clue, idea, thought that is not scripted.
    Yet in a BET/MTV/CNN all news all the time, just no facts and tons of gossip society America will get the level of leadership it deserves. Of that you can be sure. And to me (and I did a book with the MF) Bill Clinton was only a matter of degree any good as a president. Please don’t ask me if he was better than G Dubbs. They could have put a organ grinders monkey in a suit and the monkey would outclass that punk and his father before him, What kind of society can front and call itself a Democracy or enlightened and elect 12 years or more of the baboons from the Bush Clan?-Ernie

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