Subway Dance Of The iNternets Celebrities…


RAFI and I are in this but you are going to have to look really, really closely.

11 Responses to “Subway Dance Of The iNternets Celebrities…”

  1. Grand Master says:

    that is beautiful but, real talk, mad unsanitary. my mind was half concentrating on the physical poetry of the scene, then half wondering what kind of feces germs these good people now have living up ins

  2. 40 says:

    Stick-up kids have been replaced by candy purveyors have been replaced by interpretive dance on the subways….

    My NY disconnect continues. LOL.

  3. Skeeter Valentine says:

  4. Amadeo says:

    I do keep thinking…hand sanitizer.

  5. Marvelous Mo says:

    I kept thinking the same thing as Grand Master…and how often i see the shoeless bums shuffling through the train cars hustling for some change as they tell their tale of AIDS, hunger, and pain. OK…maybe that’s mostly the 6 Train.

    However, the dance was hot. I think what made it hot was having those crowds participate in something like that. Couldn’t be me though. I would have quit once that chick stood up on the bucket seat and walked over me after she came from squirming and rolling on the dirty ass floor.

  6. Sangano says:

    i just dont see the value in that type of bullshit.

  7. I’m not quite sure why, but I enjoyed this.

    But yeah, crawling around on the floor in that scenario…um…hm.

  8. oh by the way, I fucking love the music choice in this.
    I think THAT’S why I enjoyed this so much.
    That music applied to this setting…does something.

  9. rafi says:

    I’m with Ambassador on the best part of the movie being the music and the way it’s used.

    I think Cas said it was made specifically for the video by the same friend who did the music for Cereal is Dope.

  10. p-city says:


    I liked it… but all i kept thinking was…. Purell! Purell! Purell!

  11. Casimir says:

    The music was by Greg Glassman who is a sick beatmaker imo. I asked him to make some music that had a subway chug a lug feel and that worked with the doorchime sound. He used a thumb piano to make the core of the song and then added some crazy motifs to make it interesting to cut to.

    Don’t worry about the germs. We all got flu shots.

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