Taking Cover Behind The Candy Bunker…

candy bunker

I still suck ass cheeks with my new dSLR camera but I had to show you this scene.

This is one of the sugar bunkers that the MTA leases the space for.

How come only Hindurabic cats get to work these joints?

I wonder if there is a clandestine connection between these dudes and the kids that sell candy on the subway cars in motion?

candy bunker

6 Responses to “Taking Cover Behind The Candy Bunker…”

  1. Geeflex says:

    Don’t let one of those dudes catch you reading a magazine, either. Yer boy will come right out of his shell and bug the fuck out. I asked the guy where I live (near Yankee Stadium) if he had Newsweek and he laughed at me, Bollywood style. What is the damn contracting process for Candy and Magazine Bunkers? I demand transparency.

  2. Geeflex says:

    Also, don’t be afraid of the auto focus on the fancy cameras, if you have the basic settings correct auto focus is pretty acceptable for Bollywood Mafia Run Corn Syrup and Propaganda Dispensers.

  3. Grand Master says:

    lol… self-censure?

  4. Geeflex says:

    Self-censure? Where? Here? Why? Did you learn a new word?

  5. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    Newspaper stand Fuckery. Turbaned Fuckery. Ernie

  6. Doc says:

    that guy looks familiar? was he either on 14th, west 4th or houston/2nd ave? or anywhere in that area? cause ive seen him before. dead ass

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