POLITRICKS 2008: The Teflon John…

teflon john

JOHN McCAIN’s crazy grandpa routine might just be the roll of the dice that pushes him over the top in November.

Where HILLARY came across as a humorless robot, McCAIN shows he has a pulse. OBAAMA is as smooth as silk but McCAIN has been like the previous teflon don, teflon RON “Raygun”.

These old men reflect Americana. That shit is the aspirations of the majority of this country. Everybody wants to be the old white man. That is the top of the food chain here in this country. It’s like having a 1000pt. FiCO score.

Rewind to that crazy biologist JAMES WATSON who wanted to plausiby argue for genocide and you can see that when you hit 70 years of age you are allowed to say and do some crazy shit.

Even Black men get the exemption if they can make it that far. Since BILL COSBY turned 70 he has been taking Black folks to task like they stole his last pudding pops.

I don’t want a McCAIN administration even if they promised to establish the word ‘cunty’ as the new usage for anything delicious and juicy (that would be totally awesome though). McCAIN smells like a neocon puppet even moreso than G Dubbz was. I see him sniffing around televangelists like a dog eager to have his tummy scratched.

We certainly don’t need a president who is going to be another right wing lapdog.

You can start to appreciate RICHARD NIXON’s hustler approach to politricks because at least he was a proactive go-getter. These dudes now pale in comparison.

Don’t even go there and talk about McCAIN’s stint as a P.O.W. He definetly comes up on hardbody points because of that time, but what has done since? G Dubbz pwned his ass several years ago. I wonder if CHENEY whispered in McCAIN’s ear that they had a room for him on Guantanamo if he jumped up sideways. CHENEY has been known to personally shoot his own niggas in the face.

McCAIN has been jocking the G Dubbz administration for minute too. McCAIN would no doubt retain many of the minions already entrenched in the Beltway.

Somebody needs to give me back the America where everyone at least had a job.

I take that back.

That was slavery.

10 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: The Teflon John…”

  1. Amadeo says:

    What kills me is, people fawn over dude cause he was a P.O.W. (even though Vets who came straight home got shat on), but every pilot from that era I’ve heard speak has mentioned how should have never gotten shot down and he was basically a suck ass pilot.

  2. Casey says:

    Have you seen the McCain Cribs Youtube? McCain’s staff actually made a serious attempt to “appeal to young people” by doing a Cribs-esque tour of his bus. It would be funny if it wasn’t true. Fuck it, it’s still funny.

  3. nerditry says:

    Let’s be straight, here. McCain comes from the same type of backers and environment that GW Bush had in his career.

    McCain is:
    -Son/Grandson of celebrated Navy Admirals
    -Placed into his spots at the Naval Academy
    -Notorious partier
    -Didn’t show the requisite skills to earn the promotions he received.
    -Left his 1st wife upon return home from Vietnam, she had been badly injured in a car accident.
    -Moved to AZ to get together with his heiress girlfriend.
    -Setup to enter Congress by her father’s cronies

    I don’t give a shit if someone thinks Barack isn’t the right guy, but at least vote for someone that earned their way into to the ball game. Not a guy with a luxury box that feels entitled to time on the field.

  4. john mcbush

    hey did u chk out what i wrote yesterday folk? the great unifier

  5. co-sign Nerditry.

    The ironic thing is the right-wing biased, upside-down world LameStream media, call Obama the elitist, not McCain.

  6. Combat Jack says:

    ^”These old men reflect Americana. That shit is the aspirations of the majority of this country. Everybody wants to be the old white man. That is the top of the food chain here in this country. It’s like having a 1000pt. FiCO score.”


  7. nerditry says:

    @EGC : It’s one of the new trends that shows how lazy we’ve become as citizens and the apathy of news media to sort out the rhetoric from the facts. The campaigns and periphery see that society is a flushing toilet right now and if they drop some shit in there, it’s going to make the rounds before going away.

    Current case in point : Barack as an elitist. This was put into circulation by Karl Rove who tried (and failed) to identify him as someone you could only know if you were a country clubbing elitist, too.

    The question everyone needs to ask anyone considering a vote for McCain is: What is he going to do differently than Bush?

  8. Obama has been a ReThuglican Lite BITCH lately since HillaRove finally quit, specifically on FISA/Immunity for telecoms.


    I hope this an aberration, & not the “real Obama”. It’s ironic & cowardly that Obama, a former Constitution Law Professor, is shyting on the Constitution like this. Big ups to Russ Feingold & his weed carrier Chris Dodd, who are leading the few 15 Senators fighting this bill. Amazing that all these Senators, many of them lawyers, don’t understand the concept of The Rule of Law.

    A ReThug Lite cowardly Obama would be still >>> McSame. I voted for Obama in the primary. However, if this is indeed the real Obama, my vote will change from being an “enthusiastic vote” to a “lesser of 2 evils vote”.

    That is not change I can believe in.

    BTW Dallas, let me preempt your possible “supremacy” acusations. For me it’s about policy. For instance John Conyers does a good job in the House fighting WOAT Bush’s Constitution-shyting. For me it’s about the policies, voting record, & work history when judging these poli-trick-cians. “The content of their character”, word to MLK Jr.

  9. the_dallas says:

    OBAAMA needs to come correct with his vote on the FISA wiretap immunity bill. The GOPeratives will throw shiite on him no matter how he votes so if he maintains the trend of letting the Federal gov’t delete our rights he will lose my vote.

    I’ll be writing in Lenora Fulani and Shirley Chisholm.

    BTW, you need to get your story straight EGC. Hillary DID NOT quit. She has only “suspended” her campaign for Dem party nod. Watch her jump up the second she spots a crack in the Obaama facade.

  10. nerditry says:

    @DP : If that’s what you’re thinking, let’s pray that Magic Underpants Romney pulls the same trick at the old white man convention. He didn’t actually drop out the race and is sitting on enough chips to cause some real fucking trouble for the Manchurian Candidate.

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