POLITRICKS 2008: The Incredible Internets C.R.E.A.M. Team…


One thing I have wondered about all through the the process of the 2008 presidential campaign is how the hell BARACK OBAAMA raised as much money as he does. I don’t know a single person who has contributed money to his campaign (or any other candidates for that matter). I imagine that the money still comes from large corporations.

This article I link here from the Atlantic monthly says that BARACK OBAAMA’s C.R.E.A.M. Team (campaign fundraising staff from JOHN KERRY’s campaign) are the reason that he has been able to outpace the venerable and popular CLINTONS when it comes to getting his paper up.

The Amazing Money Machine

The Atlantic claims that OBAAMA’s monies are from the newly minted Silicon Valley constituency and similar bases of wealth who feel disenfranchised by the CLINTON and McCAIN platforms. OBAAMA’s message of hope has these people pulling out their wallets better than the most sincere traveling preacher I have ever seen.

And it wasn’t just their pocketbooks that people are offering claims the Atlantic, but their technical skills as well. OBAAMA is said to have been the candidate to make the best use of today’s internets technology. I wonder if the writer was considering the YouTube hit ‘Obaama Girl’ as part of BARACK’s strategy?

Political campaigns always turn on the dollar and the spin that OBAAMA is receiving says that he has returned politics back into the hands of the people and away from the corporations, but ultimately aren’t these people paid by the corporations? If I had $2300 and a choice between earmarking that money for a political campaign or taking my lady on a first class trip to Rome I think you know which way I am going.

When in Rome…

17 Responses to “POLITRICKS 2008: The Incredible Internets C.R.E.A.M. Team…”

  1. twerkolator says:

    i gave to the Obama campaign three times…

  2. the_dallas says:

    then thats some serious hope that Obaama is pushing in the ‘hood because you haven’t even mailed DP dot com a birthday card

  3. the_dallas says:

    I’m just playing Twerk

  4. the_dallas says:

    no, but seriously though… 3x?

  5. twerkolator says:

    just $10 each time…

    btw, when’s your b’day?

  6. Ol' Lefty says:

    those so-called ‘disenfranchised’ silicon valley people need to step their UNICEF game up because the weather is only gonna keep fucking us all up….

    god help the 6-7 figure per year ‘disenfranchised’….maybe because they drive to work and gas is a bitch? join the club.

  7. Aunt Jackie says:

    I have given to his campaign and will give again and again, i throw in a twenty every now and then, just a little something to keep it moving. I’ve been in those campaign offices, a little pizza at night might make someone’s day.

  8. the_dallas says:

    I can’t say nothing bad about Aunt Jackie because she sends me checks too.

    Which incidentally I use to buy fried chicken wings and shrimp fried rice from the Chinese food spot where I cash my check.

  9. Amadeo says:

    I keep betting this is one of the things that makes the Super-Dels switch to him. As big as Clinton is her campaign keep going into debt and he just keeps stacking.

    BTW the Daily Show is that shyt…the interviews they showed with people from W.VA. cut right to the chase of the demographics talk News stations are using “White, making less then 50k, no college education”. I’m waiting for someone to just yell, “HICKS GODDAMMIT, SHE GOT THE HICKS!”

  10. 40 says:

    Its actually pretty simple and don’t really let these people thwart Barry-O’s movement with these financial bugaboos. Basically everyone thought HRC was gonna be the shoe-in candidate so all the big wigs who were on board gave their max of $2300 to her campaign early. Little did anyone know that she was gonna be in the race of her life against Barry-O. So since her illustrious donors were maxed out, and the working class white folks that she’s become the Mother Teresa for can’t afford to donate, her huge war chest is now in the red.

    Meanwhile people like Aunt Jackie, myself, and millions of other have been giving our likkle $25+ here and there and can be repeat donors via point & click with out even coming close to the $2300 cap. Barry-O is flipping this politic didough love-love.

  11. the_dallas says:

    I am offiicially throwing BARACK HUSEIN OBAAMA under the bus for the rest of the campaign and election.

    How can y’all people send money to Satan and not DP Dot Com.

    Hope floats and the truth hurts huh?

    I’m talking to all of you folks that sent OBAAMA money that aren’t in my comments thread.

  12. Amadeo says:

    I’d rather donate to you D. I’d also rather hear O answer questions about Hillary by saying, “Fuck that Bitch!”…I will never be a politician.

  13. Marvelous Mo says:

    ^^”How can y’all people send money to Satan and not DP Dot Com.”

    word to big bird… and you do send out shit to us on the mailing list too.

    i’ve yet donated to my favorite blogger. soon come though…

  14. bebe says:

    actually, the average donation to the Obama campaign s somewhere around $100. I know people who donate $25 out of every paycheck. I’ve donated $25 every 2 weeks since February.

  15. the_dallas says:

    ^ Negro puhhhhhhleeeeeeeeeeeez!

    The average donation is $100?

    You’ve donated $25 every two weeks since February ($175+)

    Obaama campaign has more people lying than a little bit. Just understand that all of you that lie about your campaign donations = the middle state voters that lie about voting for a Black candidate.

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