KanYe’s Troubled Mind Designs…


‘Ye Tudda may own the illest pair of NIKE hi-tops evar made but he is also a sick fuck. First off, he fucks with that sick Nippon bastard MURAKAMI, and then he makes videos like the one below.

If you though the first cut of ‘Flashing Lights’ was provacative check out this joint…

YT link courtesy of All Work & No Pay

3 Responses to “KanYe’s Troubled Mind Designs…”

  1. MrFan says:

    Good shit. Original- maybe not, creative-yes. *Tips sombrero

  2. Gee says:

    You gotta admit, he is original…*tips my wooden clogs*

  3. Dart_Adams says:

    He did get the idea from other stop motion videos including Colin Munroe’s (I Want Those Flashing Lights) recent one but this video is still ill. Kanye and his futuristic Nikes be damned.


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