Got Purp?


For many rap fans, myself included, the ‘Only Built 4 Cuban Linx’ album represents the zenith for recorded music. It’s a cinematic tour de force that has not been matched since.

JOELL ORTIZ takes a mix pf OB4CL beats and creates this freestyle…


Coming soon: The Free Agent Mixtape

4 Responses to “Got Purp?”

  1. Casey says:

    The tape is upside down in the picture.

  2. It’s raining, he’s changing, my man is gooooooing insaaaaane….

    Had to. It was a good opportunity.

    Damn that was a good album.

  3. I like to take breaks from OB4CL for like a few months. Just to let it wear off and then come back to it and get amazed all over again. If only all pleasures were this simple…

  4. Big Homie says:

    I was listening to this freestyle all weekend. Joell murks it as always. OB4CL is a classic.

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