Functionality In Fashion…

lohans pants

Here’s a preview from LINDSAY LOHAN’s new clothing line.

She calls these leggings the Mr. President.

What kind of work could MONICA LEWINSKY have put in wearing a pair of these?

via OhWord

8 Responses to “Functionality In Fashion…”

  1. rafi says:

    haha, its amazing that this is a real thing.

    for the curious, i caught wind of it via maura of idolator:

  2. Marvelous Mo says:

    these are horrible. whos going to pay $132 for some cheap spandex and a leather patch? What can a patch of leather do that a pillow can’t do? the pad itself should be multi purpose. it should have a compartment that services as cushion and a condom/lube holder. that’s worth $132 bucks.

    i’m just saying…

  3. tps12 says:

    Clock’s sort of run out on Monica Lewinsky jokes, hasn’t it? Was Lindsay Lohan even alive during Clinton’s presidency?

    A more contemporary “Mr. President” style would have electrodes attached to the crotch…

    I can’t believe this is for real.

    oh shit son my laptop caught the herp just typing that shit. Swear my screen just spazzed out like crazy.

  5. Candice says:

    Linds is making clothing that’s functional based on her own experience. Genius.

  6. Brilliant!

    This will be the new fashion statement in women’s attire. Unless the ladies are going to finally stand up to this bullshit.

    If not, I’m copping at least a few pairs just to outfit my bust it babies. Wifey never has to know…

  7. Becca says:


    i saw this on the best week ever blog a few days ago.

    this is like dictionary-definition, textbook irony.

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