nerd king

I’m off to get my Clone Wars saga right.

Gonna top it off with a little ‘Tropic Thunder’.

The early buzz is that ROBERT DOWNEY Jr. is an effin’ genius.

I don’t see anything wrong with a little cultural misappropriation, when it’s done fresh-like.

Shout to the homey ZAKEE for the tee shirt hook up.

estar guars

7 Responses to “NERDS STAND UP!”

  1. Royal says:


    Saw T-Thunder last night.
    Shit was outrageous.
    RDJ stays winning (again).
    Danny McBride might be one of the funniest, yet slept on cats in Hollywood right now.

  2. Marvelous Mo says:

    I saw Tropic Thunder last night too….

    I need to see it 5 more times…. that movie was the bomb diggity.

    RDJ and Tom Cruise stole the entire movie.

  3. Yo I need to go see that on the strength……ohh that pic is timeless. I remember this dude who had a nes control belt buckle, dude really thought he was stunting. I bet this dude still thinks he was doing it in that pic…. *sends picture to phone* *sends to all contacts*

  4. Grand Master says:

    two words: power glove.

    what’s really good on the streets (of Rage)

  5. Doc says:

    ive been meaning to see that, but wasn’t too sure about it. since you give it a THUMBS UP. im gonna have to go see it. you’re usually right when it comes to movies that i wasn’t to sure about seeing (ie: ironman, dark knight)

  6. Ska Born says:

    TOM CRUISE CAN DANCE!!! and cuss.

    I’ve seen some retahded hip hoppy t-shirts at

  7. ZAKEE says:

    NaCo T-Shirts stay laughing at (with) us.

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