Heartless Heartbreaks…

ye tudda

I’m still hype (no WILLIAMS) for what will come from ‘808s & Heartbreak’.

I like that HYPE WILLIAMS can move out of that space he created with music videos featuring anonymous vixens by making videos featuring anonymous ladies in cartoon format.

This video is hype (yes, WILLIAMS).

Holler at your boy F.Luxe.

7 Responses to “Heartless Heartbreaks…”

  1. 40 says:

    I’m gonna go on record to say that I’m not overly amped for this newest Ye Tudda’s album. I’d definitely gonna get DLed but I’m lukewarm at best for it – which might be a good thing… “Love Lockdown” was average and seriously though…


    Even with all of that said I’m glad to see Ye’s creativity and effort he puts into it. Its good to see people actually being proud of being musicians and not like its something they picked up to stay entertained between crack sales.

  2. Dart_Adams says:

    That’s “American Pop” like a muthafucka, ain’t it? Great video. Supposedly Hype Williams is a Bakshi fan and he showed “American Pop” to Kanye and he loved it. The rest is history.


  3. the_dallas says:

    Good reference Dart because they def used the rotoscope technique that Bakshi pioneered.

    Peep the background neon signs in the red light district scene. This shit is tight.

    I hope Hype showed this nigga ‘Coonskin’.

  4. Vee says:

    40, I enjoyed Love Lockdown when I first heard it. But I thought that it would be a stronger recording if the vocalist was better. Babyface knows whats up, when he assess some of his work, he usually says he wished he had the vocal chops of the singers he produces often like Johnny Gill or his brother. With that said, I think I’ll have to agree with 50 . . . “I don’t know about that.”

    Dart, with that said, don’t you think the video could have been better . . . more creative?? Straight flat colored images kind of look like meh coloring book drawings. I know there’s a time frame involved when putting together animated videos, but when examining his other videos, why rush? Don’t tell me, he didn’t have a budget.

    As far as this use of rotoscoping, it could have possibly been achieved with less work with creative make-up and post production effects. A little research, and lighting, and it would have come out with more vibrance as opposed to horribly flat 80’s styled music video which has kinda sorta been done.

    The thing that kills me is that some folks mistake this for genius??? And I know Hype + Kanye can produce something better than this!

    D, The Fleischer brothers pioneered rotoscope. Mad cats were using it well before Bakshi came on the scene. Personally I thought the sequence from Kill Bill was a crazy example, updated use of rotoscoping.
    Those Charles Schwab commercials and Scanner Darkly style is . . . ehh, ok, but it just doesn’t suit my personal aesthetic.

    I don’t know if any of you guys saw this video but check out this rotoscoped animated piece. It is 10x greater.

    Wasted- Matthew Bryan by Raymond Prado

    . . . aRRGGHHHhhh!!!

  5. the_dallas says:

    You are right. I didn’t realize how long the rotoscope technique was in use. As always, Wikipedia is my friend

  6. Ernest Paniccioli says:

    The Retro Video is dope, Kanye and his song eat a dilznick.
    He keeps trying and that vocoder is trying my ears fo sho. Ernie

  7. Vee says:

    If this upcoming 808 and HeartBreaks (or whatever the name is) CD sell over 500,00 copies. Then I will be truly convinced that record sales, top 10 artists, etc. is based off of nothing real.

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