DP x Dead Wrong Entertainment…

mtn dewd

If watching Dallas Penn is wrong, then I don’t wanna be right.

This episode of DP2FTV features German smut filmmakers, broken ass subway, doo doo detective and Dead Wrong Entertainment.

DP2FTV: Where everybody is a star.

10 Responses to “DP x Dead Wrong Entertainment…”

  1. Jason says:

    I would love to see that Stranger Than Fiction flick with Will. Love the website btw. INTERNETS. INTERNETS. INTERNETS. INNN-TER-NETS

  2. Guy Fawkes says:

    “I love smut films”
    Lmao, me too Dallas, me too.

  3. dubble13 says:

    What is the Argonauts movie? Is that a low-budget mythos pic? Sure, I will borrow it from. I might as well win something since my bracket is BUSTED!

  4. DapperDon says:

    I want that Jason nd the Argonaut heard of it but never seen it….lol at 720 dude had some dead wrong ashyness……and 830 ladyy lady lady…damn haha

  5. Boing Dynasty says:


  6. f says:

    everybooooooody is a star…..except that fat nazi dallas-.-???–.–???

  7. sh3lldon says:

    I got caught the other day, Jordan IVs! first dog owner i saw, i cussed out!

  8. Kiana says:

    bwahahahahaha @ ol boy at the end forgetting the name of the female artist. PU~

    random thought: I wish there was a button on the computer that made the PU~ sound. That would be awesome.

  9. ducats says:

    hahaha, mad laughs fam

  10. moses says:

    You know why u da shit, DP? Do u? ‘Cuz you played that nigga @ the end of the video and he ain’t even catch that shit. “Robe, House Slippers? You know what that is? It’s dead wrong.” LMAO. Granted, he threw you an easy one right down the middle, but still.

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