Gimme That Filet O’Fish…

filet o'fish

Ever since McDonald’s started their Filet O’Fish special I have been back on my McTurd shit.

I get an extra piece of cheese on my joints as well as the seeded bun.

The beauty of the internets is that someone out there feels the same way you do.

The scary shit of the internets is that someone out there feels the SAME WAY YOU DO.

4 Responses to “Gimme That Filet O’Fish…”

  1. fuck that…Wendy’s fish sandwich is shittin’ all over McDonald’s shit!

    and i fuck with McDonald’s filet-o-fish (that’s about the only thing i’ll eat from that god-forsaken place).

  2. the_dallas says:

    You ain’t getting 2 Wendys fish for $3.

    Sheeeeeeit, you ain’t getting 2 White Castles fish for $3

  3. fats says:

    yeah i think the filet o fish is tied with the mc nuggets for best menu item at mickey d’s. i remember when i traveled frequently that there was one in south central la where every tuesday they had the filet o fish’s for 99 cents. now THAT was that sh**.

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